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Posts posted by kennyman

  1. Congrats on your PB brown.

    I've always wanted to catch a decent brown.

    Every year I tell myself I'm going to go and try to catch one and every year I don't.

    I'm not sure why I procrastinate, but I simply don't have the time to figure out where to go etc. and it's so easy when I get a chance to just slide down to my end of the Grand (Brantford area) and catch a few bass.

    The browns certainly are gorgeous when coloured up. Maybe this is my year LOL.

  2. Had one grab my Chug Bug (topwater) when we were camping at Rideau Provincial Park a couple weeks ago.. He saw it when I popped it, he turned, swooped down and grabbed it. He tried to fly away twice but barely got off the water only to splash down again. He sat there confused for a few seconds and tried again. The third time was a charm. I'm glad I didn't try to reel in because I would have only set the hook.

    I admit I was dreading the thought of reeling him in and trying to get the trebles unhooked while getting pecked to death. LOL.

    That morning all I caught from the dock was a small pike and the gull. Does the bird count ?? :sarcasm:

  3. How can you not like Ray Bourque or Cam Neely for that matter ? That said, I want the cup on the right side of that border. For that to happen it'll take the Sedins to step up (where have they been?) and Luongo to stand on his head. Here's hoping. Go Canucks!!

    P.S. I'm a Leafs fan and I want the cup in Canada any way possible.





    All my life I waited for today...win or lose very proud to bleed black and gold!

    Go Boston!

  4. WOW !! Beauty fish. It must be cool working with and fishing with Dave and Spicoli. Hope you get your "Facts of Fishing" and your "Next Bite" is as good as that one. Congrats!

    Well it's no secret that I work for Facts of Fishing THE SHOW. I'm very fortunate to have a "boss" like Dave who loves to fish and share that love of the sport so much! One of his goals when we go away on a shoot is to put a great show in the bag so the whole crew can get a little time in on the water and that's just what we did this past week. Short and simple, I was able to spend a few hours on the water with Dave, Pete Maina and Brian Shram. There isn't a better team of dudes out there if you're trying to tie into your first ever Musky! I can't even begin to explain the excitement of not only catching my first Musky, but the felling you get when one of those big beasts chases you're lure right to the boat then sinks off into the abyss.. :worthy:


    Anywyas, Dave - you're the man. I couldn't ask for a better friend and employer! This truly was the trip of a lifetime for me! Pete and Shram, the same goes to you guys. I hope that I have a chance to hit the water with you guys again someday sooner than later! Good times all around, and thanks for everything!


    Shram, and Derek with his first musky - a healthy 40 incher...



    And myself and Pete with my first - a beautiful 47 inch fish! What a rush!



    A group shot before the release!



    She swam off strong - waiting to be caught another day!


    Have a great weekend!




  5. Good call Fang. Love Johnny Oduya. That would be a great pickup. He's going to be a really good player a couple years down the road. Perfect timing. Chelios on the other hand, don't think so. Yikes. He's old enough to be most of their fathers. Liked him best as a hawk. Hall of famer, but he'l be out to pasture before the Leafs will need him.

    Not too many 09 FA that you you could count on to be key peices of a rebuild 3-4 years down the road. I'm sure Burke will pick up some bodies to plug holes. He's stated he will spend up to the cap but they gotta be bad for a couple more years to get more high first round picks.


    I'd like to see him go after

    Brad Winchester

    Ales Kotalik

    Johnny Oduya


    be neat to see Chelios and Chris Neil in a leafs uniform for a year

  6. Storm chug bug. Try it. You'll like it. Why ? Because fish eat it up. They go nuts for the gurgle/pop/rattle it makes when you put slack in your line and give it a quick jerk , give it a second or two and pop it again. A quick note .......... when you first cast it, let it sit there for at least five seconds,longer is better, after that a sharp tug, glurp ... and let it sit again. I get most of my hits within the first few pops. Another thing, this is the hardest part, wait a second after the fish hits to set the hook. I've missed a few by instantly reacting. It's hard not to, but you'll hook more fish if yo can just hang on that extra little bit. Heres a pic. Looks like a frog I guess. Works on bass,pike ............ heck I've even caught walleye on it. The hooks they come with are thin and sharp so keep'em that way and watch out when your unhooking them or you'll be on the end of the lure too (been there,done that, got the t-shirt). Lastly have fun, there's nothing better than perfectly calm water just about sunset, everything is silent except the glurp of the topwater, and then BANG, hang on !!!


  7. I'm just going to echo the thoughts here. I use 20lb Seagar real leader material. Seems to hold up pretty good around here. Now, after you catch one. check it for any abrasions. If you feel any knicks, either cut back to that point or replace it altogether. Last time I caught a couple pike I didn't re-tie and threw my chug bug a ways with no line following. I got it back with a buzz bait (got lucky-first cast). If it hadn't been a floating lure I would have donated another one. :wallbash:

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