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Everything posted by kman

  1. mmmhh bacon
  2. I was down there today, I didn't catch any thing but I was talking to an older gentlemen and he Was telling me that he catches fish very often there he showed me a pic of a 16lbs salmon he caught a few days ago.
  3. Good thinking! I never would have thought of that. (But that's why I joined a sit like this)
  4. Hey guys thanks for the replys
  5. I kinda thought that. I was think of putting a different line for larger fish on the spare.
  6. The drag system is on the top of the spool if that answer ur question and thanks for the reply. does the plasic or the medal make a differents in the distance of the cast?
  7. Hey there. So today I picked myself a new reel today. Its a quantum snapshot. It came with 2 reels one plastic/acrylic or something and a medal one. My question is what's the differents between the 2(besides the fact that one is medal and one is plastic) and which one do u prefer
  8. Anyone in the Burlington area wanna go fishing il show u my secret bass spot for a drive lol
  9. Mysecret place 5 pounds are normal but its hard not to get the small ones they eat every thing u throw
  10. bass fishing eh I know a sweet place for bass fishing. This place is literally infested bass every catch but they are all small I need a canoe to get to the deeper water
  11. Every time I go to mountsburg I use a silver Williams wabbler and me and my buddies make bets on who will catch the first pike. Usually get 1 in the first few casts
  12. kman


    thanks Jen, and I dont really mind a drive but unfortunately I dont drive I was tryin to find a close stream or river I think I mite take a look on Google maps lol
  13. kman


    like to fish for mostly bass but when pike in season I like that to. And I prefer fishing from a conoe rather then the shore, u can get rite to the fish quitely
  14. Hey there, my name is Kyle I live in Burlington and I was wondering if any one knows a good fishing area around here
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