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About sunfishangler

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  1. Did you know that in Korea they use whips for ice fishing?
  2. Actually I bought these over there during winter break. But yes, I can get them from a relative. I personally haven't seen Asian whips in the GTA, but I think there is one shop that might try to bring them in. I have seen/purchased Jaxon whips from Fishing Sport when they were still here, but personally European whips in my opinion are nothing like Asian whips in terms of having easy transportation, light weight and the strength of hauling in a carp all-in-one. The price of the first one is about $198, the second one is about $135 and the third one is about $100.
  3. It's been a long time since I posted something on this board but here it is I think it's getting near that time again where we start dusting off those fishing gear or maybe spending a few dollars on new stuff to get ready for the new season I just got these new rods (poles/whips/rods= all mean the same in Chinese, Japanese and Korean) a couple months ago from Hong Kong and Japan, can't wait to try them out. Some info on the rods (left to right): All the rods are telescopic, there are no elastics within them, the first two rods are from Shimano and the third one is from Guangwei. First rod is 5.4m when fully extended, 1m contracted, 6 segments and is carp super-hard grade (stiffness of rod). Second rod is also 5.4 m fully extended, 1m contracted, 6 segments and this one is carp & herabuna (Japanese goldfish) super-hard grade. The last rod is 4.48m fully extended, 60cm contracted, 9 segments,for all purpose fresh water lake fishing, and is graded hard. If you are interested in Asian rods, I suggest watching these videos of the rods in action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHBiF1R8q8g...feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPUsvV_6J6E...feature=channel
  4. i was up there during the first 2 weeks of august, lots of sunfish there thats one thing for sure, if your looking for bass you could always try the dock in the evening
  5. hey i was wondering what part of the lake is best for fishing if you are fishing from shore, i'm going up there this sunday camping for 7 days
  6. i see that your still using the ugly stik
  7. gotta get me some of that stuff
  8. lol spent 2 months in england , stayed over at my cousins' place, did a ton of fishing, and came back with a ton of carp/coarse fishing stuff , can't wait till the warm weather rolls in ^__^
  9. ....interesting thread
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