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Everything posted by joesmink

  1. Have you spooled up with one of the new braided lines such as berkley fireline? I like the ten pound test! It has no stretch so it really makes a difference in deep water 60'. It seems expensive but if you try that you probably wont go back to mono. You could also try tru turn snelled hooks size 6 as they are better than the hooks that come with the pickerel rig package. Another person told about anchoring and I'm a firm believer in that as I like to be rock steady and leave my sinker on the bottom and usually its heavier 1 - 1.25 oz I just barely put some lifting pressure on the line to keep it from slack and you will feel them sometimes its extremely light! Just keep at it there are many ways that work for different people, just my 2 cents
  2. I paid 6000 for a similar boat; 1988 starcraft mariner 210 cc with a 1988 ninety horse mariner with no riggers. Absolutely love my boat I get 30 mph on gps and the motor runs great. I like the idea of agreeing on a price and then the two of you going to the mechanic and your paying the first 500 then your friend deducts any more expence from what you agreed to pay for the boat. My 90 is 32 years old and runs fine I was lucky to buy this boat from the original owner and believed him to be upstanding about its condition and care and I didn't have to worry about it going through a bunch of different owners and who knows what. Offer4500 and you pay 500 towards engind repair, seems like a good deal!
  3. In line planer( Walleye board) and Jet divers 20's and 30's set back 125'. the boards really help spread out your presentation and are easily removed when hauling in a walleye.
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