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About Lionized

  • Birthday 03/18/1977

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    Listening to the Hip!

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  1. So last night I tried my luck at the Thornbury Dam given the time of year. Made my way to be the closest fisherman to the dam. Great Spot! There was a Guy on the other side of the river casting towards the dam underneath the "this area is closed to fishing" wire and within 10 minutes he had pulled 2 female rainbows and called it a day. Taking them home of course. Well the same guy shows up today and he yells to me I'm casting to far under the wire and I'd get In trouble. 15ft is Ok but anything further is worthy of me losing my gear and vehicle. Wowzas! If that's the case then the signage should be much more explanatory. Something like, "No fishing this area or casting under this wire" would be a better sign to let one know. Even a lousy lawyer could get you off "the hook" with vague signage like this. I yelled back that he was a Hypocrite for doing the same thing the night before, which bothered him. I'm sure a lot of eyes are rolling at me, but u don't get your fishing license the same way you get your driver's license. The MNR should either provide more detailed signage to what an infraction could be or build something better than this overhanging wire that people can cast under. Looking forward to be told I'm wrong!
  2. Ya it was fun catch'n that salmon...Caught an even bigger one today that wasn't so fun!! Add these 2 rainbows and it was a great day....Din din's for tomorrow! Blackheads for the chinocks is a great idea!
  3. pretty fish well done!! where was that?

  4. Thanks guys...new to the river fishing and still getting to know my fish!. Better change my Topic Header!
  5. Planned on catching some river rainbows today. Typically I park at a dam and hike in a bit to a few good holes I've discovered. As I crossed the dam on foot to begin the hike I noticed the water below the dam being parted as if a motor boat was chugging along. Heck no...that's a fish causing that wake. Ran down the embankment and caught this fella on the first cast with a 6ft bait casting rod. Great fight, took a good 10 minutes. I'm on cloud 9 right now! It was a catch and release but I'm curious if this is still an edible steelhead??
  6. Caught my first male steelhead today...a good 15lbs...they're on the rivers!

  7. After a morning of chasing Brookies and nearly being stuck for good up to my waist in mud. I made my way to the Lake where the river flows. A lake where there are no fish to catch! Chucked my new fav #2 silver mepps and landed a good dozen perchies before I nailed this sucker! Yes a couple days early, but whats a fisherman to do. : ) My PB Largemouth, so I needed a pic! I practice catch and release as it is. Hopefully you do as well.
  8. So are Brooks and Speckles the same fish? Being new to the Trouts I just don't know. If not, the left one is a spec and the right one is a Brook? No matter, they're beautiful little buggers. Hey Rod, I think I've fished that spot! Hope u had bug spray on!!!
  9. Just go rediscover the lake for yourself. Your not fishing unless your rod is in the water!
  10. tis the season, nice fish!
  11. Just though I'd pass along some recent results. Really enjoy hiking the river, searching for deep pools where the specs are hiding...Haven't fallen in yet but came close a few times! The first pic is now my facebook pic!! Huge catch worth brag'in about! Looking forward to tomorrow~! But it hasn't rained in well over a week. I think browns are atop my wish list thanks to Bills last post!
  12. Great to see, gorgeous fish!...some motivation for tomorrow!! Can u pass along weather the river flows to Simcoe or G-bay? : )
  13. I feel like I'm cheating when using regular worms. I'm definitely cheating when the worms glow in the dark! Whatever they're feeding them to turn florescent Green must not be good for them? Maybe I should call P3TA or Pamela Anderson? : )
  14. Caught my first spec on a creek last week and had a tough time with it. Can't imagine pulling in a brown on a river after the rain. All envy over here!
  15. One with an electric motor sounds pretty fun! Never imagined that, thanks!
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