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Posts posted by huntervasili

  1. Lets also remember that over time DNA in all species degrades and as such more mutated, unhealthy genes are added to the gene pool, hence it may in fact be helpful to a popuation to remove the very old fish. Hmm, maybe that would make a good topic for some thesis study... Got me thinking.

  2. Ok so over the holiday I have the opportunity to go down to the Georgia coast. I was wondering if anyone was familiar with the area around Brunswick and in particular St. Simons sound and Sea Island. I have only done limited Surf fishing with very good success but want to get some advice from all of you. I know the basics, and have had a heck of alot of luck using Live/Fresh dead shrimp on sliding sinker rigs/pyramid sinkers and casting into the surf, as well as off of piers. Any Help on the area or techniques would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance all!

  3. I can stroke "Nipigon Speck" off of my never done before list ! :thumbsup_anim:


    That is what one of mine was this year, and to fish for walleye up in LOTW/Eagle lakes. Got to do the latter but the former did not get fulfilled, YET, but not for lack of trying, mostly lack of daylight and time :) I did get my PB pike though, 40"er and some other nice specimens so I can't complain too much. Next goal: Catch a Steelhead out here in BC, hopefully in the skeena, or kitimat or a surrounding river/tributary. Glad to hear so many of you did well this year

  4. Looks like a nice walk and the scenery is spectacular.

    A productive hunt is just a bonus.


    You should have walked through the river without boots, socks and pants.

    I did it to help a friend retrieve a deer in Nov. from across a southern Ontario river.

    Water was near zero degrees and the river was probably twice as wide as the one you crossed.

    Water was only up to our knees at max.though. Nice when you have dry clothes/boots to put back on.

    Wiped our legs and feet on some tall grasses to get rid of most of the water before getting dressed again.


    Thanks for the report and pics.


    Well we tried to cross without the boots but unfortunately the rocks were way to sharp and slippery. We ended up crossing with boots and underwear...

  5. Well this may be a little over due but better late than never I suppose. Back in October A friend, Mac, and I headed up North of Prince George to Mac's home in Fort St. John for a little bit of hunting. First day was Coyotes, second a little duck hunting and some grouse and on the last day a few more hours out grouse and squirrel hunting. We hunted near the Peace valley for Coyotes and we were successful. We had a tough time getting any of them to talk but eventually they started to howl, and when they did, the whole valley filled with barks and howls. We heard one down near the river and so ran down a large break untill we saw him. Ohh and he was on the other side of the river. We caught a glimpse but he was soon off to chase the younger yotes around. So we continued walking by the river until we say 4 more coyotes, oh they too were on the other side of the river. Mac took a shot and he went down. Now we took a look to see where to cross the freezing cold river, and there was nowhere less than hip deep. Sure enough we eventually retrieved it and were soaked to the bone and cold, as it was a cool day and nice and frosty morning. Not a large coyote but was a fun time. We figured we would head up as it was to be about a 2 hour walk back to the car and we were drenched to the bone. Here are some pics of where we were hiking. DSC00733.jpg




    A pic of the coyote and me putting my clothes back on... Wore the boots to cross the river but was smart enough to take off my pants so atleast I would be partially dry. Would have been a funny sight for anyone had they seen us, two guys crossing a freezing cold river and all for a lousy coyote :)



    And then the results of one of the days grouse hunting (plus a duck from the day before)



    Overall it was a great time hunting we ended up with one mallard hen, 18 grouse and the coyote. We saw a few hundred Muleys on the drive as well so I cant wait for next season to come around. Hope you all enjoyed the report.

  6. Way Cold? Sheesh, I am gonna go icefishing on the weekend, lots of ice here now. Ohh wait, nevermind I have Exams Monday, tuesday...etc :) Looks like I get to stay home and study! The joys of first ice, and university. My advice, dress up, get on the water, enjoy the day while you still can, then drink the bottle of crown.

  7. when i look at this i see it as a prime example of minding your own buisness. i bet the guy next door pee'd this person off and they said OH YA il get you you son of a.................ya what you guna do EH ...................................ILL DO THIS.


    Ha... Wonder how much value, or at least selling possibilities the neighbor has lost for his house cause of that... As mentioned definately should be some law, maybe a max # of garden gnomes or something... But that is probably profiling so I suppose it wont happen :)

  8. I shoot the Diamond Justice, works great, not a problem with it so far. They are made by Bowtech they only use a single freedom cam though unlike the bowtech bows. I would recommend it as they are a good value and high quality bow. And they have the new model for this year out. It is in the BPS flyer for around 350 in a package...

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