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Everything posted by emanuel

  1. just moved out to whitby

    hello my whitby friends

  2. i dont know where to go tomorrow...

  3. wow thats alot of rain... one more week for the best fun ever....love it

  4. i cought this 8 lbs beauty in ajax creak this fish was the best fish i ever cought ever. it had not even a scale removed from it and souch beautiful rainbow color and the perfect size... not to big and not to small just perfect.. i wish i had more photos of it

  5. nice pics now all you need is a net .... just kiding id rather fish for them
  6. i say used them as musky bait....lol come on guys weres you sence of adventure.. please post how tasty they where ..
  7. hello my name is manny... i love fishing verymuch only when my wife lets me go lol jk my fav fish is bass but i would love to catch a pike or muskie i live in ajax ont.. anybody know a good fishing spot and when can we start fishing it.. i never got this season (what you can catch what you cant ) can some one help me out thanks alot
  8. i always wanted to make a rod holder for my 3 rods i own never got to that
  9. come on fishing season

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