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About BryonG

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  1. Have a good trip Connie. We're taking a youngster with us too next week ,but he is only 14 yrs old.This will be his maiden trip to Canada. Hopefully the first of many.
  2. No worries..........All will be fine.......I am headed for the Winnipeg river next week myself.When you cross the border everything is fine..The Fishing Gods will look after the little things
  3. You will have a great time at Anglers Kingdom. I was up there last fall the end of Sept. Very cool piece of water.Kevin will put you on fish.The only problem you will have is not wanting to come back home
  4. The camera is an HP photosmart M525. I think it was only $120.00 or so. It is very easy to use
  5. We were on Nungesser Lake about 30 miles north of Red Lake at Anglers Kingdom.
  6. The accomodations are very nice.Great mattresses hot water and electricity. This really is a wonderful Lake.Much more cool structure that a guy could fish in many many years.Despite the poor moon phase we did very well.3 inch gulp minnows ,crawlers and frozen shiners all produced well.The boats were were well maintained and gassed by 7 a.m. each day I look forward to my return. That Pike came off Wolf Island by the way Connie. Kevin does indeed live to fish.and happy to share his info.This is a very reasonable trip into an exciting lake and I would recommend a visit to anyonewho has comtemplated it.
  7. I'm pretty sure the part about not putting them back in the package is a Berkely story to keep people from reusing.We save from trip to trip and put theem bag in the container with the others. Worksgreat on all aggressive and even passive fish.
  8. Thanks got them to photobucket..How do I get them the the post. INsert IMage? or add an attachment? What do I copy and paste? As you can tell I am new at all this
  9. Any help would be appreciated. Been trying for a while now.It tells the file is too big to download as an attachment.even with one picture.
  10. Well< I just got back from a week at Anglers Kingdom and it was everthing that I had hoped it would be.I'll load some pictures as soon as I can fogure out how. Weather included everything from snow and wind to movement stopping fog to 70 degree cloudless glass flat days. Typical Canadian weather. 6 of us caught roughly 1000 walleyes with 80 or so between 23 and 28 inches.We caught in the neighborhood of 100 pike with a bunch in the mid 30's and largest a fat 41 in. The people were very nice and accomodating and the lake is magnificent. Great acomadations for a remote camp.I'll try to get some more details for you when time permits.
  11. When I am mooning,nobody is hungry LOL
  12. Connie,If you really think it makes a difference I promise to out on the dock each eveningand put up a full moon
  13. 79 hours till we hit the road and another 16 on the road until we hit camp. Possibilty of snow flurries this weekend.My best fishing for Big Walleyes has been in the snow.Hopefully the pike won't mind either.
  14. I would get a replacement transducer and then mount either the old unit or a new one up front.We run our front transducer on the trolling motor.It works fine and the only time you need the front one is when the trolling motor is deployed anyway. Special transducer for trolling motor mounting
  15. Wow!! Thats a blast from the past.I remember it too.
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