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About luclarochelle

  • Birthday 04/09/1996

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  • Interests
    Fishing, hiking, camping, canoeing, hunting

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  1. Ive never had any success with the flags... that woulda been fun!!! I fish bad boys too, never seem to get anything on em. Lots of fish coming in to look at them though, just no takers
  2. Exactly!!
  3. They are all over the place!! I just tried something new and got success! Ive never had much luck in deep water myself but have marked a ton of whities out in the 90 fow range. It comes down to a preference thing for sure
  4. This is about the average size of the smelt as well as the splake!!
  5. 30 to 50 fow
  6. Yes they have been!! The whities we kept were full of gobies!!
  7. Hey guys, So I got out onto lady Simcoe over my reading week, I took a break from the books and had some fun on the ice!! I have been doing real good on splake fishing at school but it felt nice to have something on the line that put up a fight Anyhow, we got 10 fish in total and lost numerous amount of fish mid fight damn humpacks!!!! The key to this trip... the tactics that I would use for perch fishing... Shallow water was key for these buggers!! well heres a look at the fish Now its back up to school for some splake and smelt fishing... Tight lines, Luc
  8. I wouldnt want to eat wolf meat personally... just doesnt seem right
  9. Hi guys, This facebook page has been brought to my attention by some friends of mine. This group is trying to promote the killing of all the wolves. I don't have anything against hunters that follow the rules and play fair. These guys are referring to these creatures as vermin's and have stated that they are like cockroaches... If you want to look into it more, on the left side of the page you can see what people are posting on the group. WARNING - some of the pictures may be disturbing Let me know what you guys think about this group... Not only are they immature.. but they also chirping us Canadians.... https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kill-ALL-The-Wolves/345216218984783 This is the link to the page! Thanks, Luc
  10. I would imagine they move to the cooler water during the day. Does the lake have any natural springs in it? They will be looking for the colder water. That being said, they will be deeper (25-30 fow). Troll some deep diving crank baits to locate the fish first. Once you find them, drop down a jig and have some fun!! Also, figure out the wind and fish the shore that the wind is blowing on. Good luck!!
  11. Hey guys, We've just recently uploaded a video to Youtube. This is our first video showing a few clips from the spring and summer. We will be posting more videos soon enough! Please subscribe!! Tight lines, Luc
  12. There needs to be a way on that lake. This is getting to be a little much closing down the whole because of a couple people. Its disappointing to see such a good lake closed off
  13. Lucky!! Thanks though! People just need to respect the property. Everything would of been fine!
  14. Has anyone heard about getting out onto Puslinch Lake this year or if all access is closed off again?
  15. Another picture of it
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