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Everything posted by wayne

  1. oh my god... my sides are hurtin' .... that was hilarious!!
  2. Hey guys: Anyone know anything about Wilson aluminum fishing boats. Buying one 2nd hand and I have googled high and low and can't find the manufacturer. Anyone ever heard of wilson boats? Good? Bad? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thx W
  3. Nice! I can see why that $19 has become a trigger issue for sure! Sounds like the sportman show is going to have to reinvent itself or BPS competitors are going to have to find a better way to market themselves. Do the OFNers get together @ the BPS classic? Would love to meet a few of yoyu experienced cats at the show!
  4. Guys... what is "BPS" classic? Is it a show? Sorry... new guy on the forum... clearly out of the loop and don't know what I am doing!
  5. Guys... thanks so much for all the advice. In fact there is more to this story.... the reason I asked was because I am thinking about buying a boat from this guy. He's got this evinrude on the boat and I am really not keen on evinrudes (always been a honda/yamaha fan myself). Anyway the boat looks really good (in the pictures... still have to go check it out). But after doing some research last night I can't seem to find much info about this type of boat. It is a 16 foot aluminum fishing boat but I can't for the life of me find out anything about a boat manufacturer called "Wilson". The owner also pegs the year of the boat as an '85 and after the comments you guys made on the age of the motor I am not also concerned about the age of the boat. I was less concerned about the motor because my intent was to buy the package and sell the motor so understanding what motor is worth would help me negotiate cost of package. But the boat itself was something I was going to hang on to. Now I am wondering. Anyone ever heard of wilson boats? Any thoughts on boats that are 25 years old? Is it the same story as the motor. I have attached pics of the motor and boat. Seller is asking about $3K for the package and so I would be paying $3K less the sale of the motor for the boat and trailer. Again all advice and opinions are very welcome. Thanks (and loving this forum!) W
  6. Hey Guys: I am contemplating buying a second hand evinrude 25hp motor. Its a long shaft and its a 1985 motor. Current owner seems like an honest credible guy and assures me it runs really well and has been looked after. Could anyone venture a guess at what it might be worth? I have looked through kijiji and cant really find anything comparable. Any advice/speculation much appreciated W
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