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Posts posted by sconceptor

  1. What are some of your trailering horror stories?


    I've only had a bearing bust leaving the storage barn about 2km down the sideroad. My coworker lost a trailer and sleds when it hit the shoulder on his way home from Elk Lake one winter(just under 10grand in damages). I would imagine that'd be dam scary! Friend's bow mount unlocked and dropped the prop to the highway for a few kilometers. Lost a 70L cooler lid once too, don't know where along the trip, but nobody passed us, wanting to tear us a new one!


    I need new safety chains, as the Princecraft trailer's are not long enough to comfortably reach my F150's receiver.

  2. Hey, I'm just looking for opinions on good fillet knifes?


    Currently I use a Rapala plastic handle knife, which routinely goes on sale at Crappy T for 10$. Also I have a red plastic handled fillet knife which is about the same quality.


    I suck at cutting through the rid cage(small eyes up to 5lb trout) with these knifes, and wonder if it's the knive or me? I'm pretty dam strong, but maybe I sissy out a little since I don't want to cut my fingers off? I wonder if a better quality knive might help. Something in the 50$ range?


    I think I lose too much meat from the belly, since I don't cut right through the rib cage and cut it off after. I mostly go over the ribs, and loss meat when I don't cut back down fast enough. I fillet about 5-10fish per year, unless I'm up north with the guys(a couple of them are pretty terrible at it, so if I'm sober enough and the bugs aren't so bad, I'll do a few of theirs....they should get up early to fish for keepers not at the end of the night!).

  3. Hey, I always tie my drop shot weights on even though the diagrams I see for using them, it just looks as though they just slide the line in and pull it tight. I don't want to go through a bunch of them on the water, and have them fly off fighting fish or slide off on snags, therefore I just give a simple knot or two on them....I can't ajust without cutting, but at least I'm not loosing them.


    Wondering what others do?

  4. i use them on nipissing to battle against the shad fly season. Works good considering much of the lake shuts down during the hatchCheers!



    I was at LakAir, Tuesday to Thursday before the G2G. Lots of may/shad flies on water, not many on the windows, as we made our way east all the way to the main body, the surface was covered will millions/billions of dead flies and larva carcuses. A nickel sized ball of them would form over the swivel, every 5 minutes or so well trolling. The one morning, a couple fished came up to eat the flys on the surface. I've been in North Bay when they hatch and walked the main street to the sound of thousands of the flys being crushed as they covered everything. It's pretty crazy the amount of flys that come off that lake!


    I'm sure the fish would be in tuned to these things as they hatch, or tuned into the minnows/smaller fish that are eating them.


    Does everybody who fishes Nipissing know of the shad fly shut down? Might as well pack in the jigging and cast weeds of pike during this time?


    I might want to plan to fish around it next time. We didn't catch a pickeral, and only had one one. Catching small pike isn't too exciting. Love the area up there, and love the potential, but my past 2 trips there have been pretty lame fishing. First time there, 3years ago, just after Canada Day weekend, I did okay with a 12lb pike, 5-6lb eye well casting shorelines, and a decent evening bite at the community holes. This year fishing the Krown or other hoels wasn't productive, and others were mentionting it's been slow the the past few years.


    Don't know if it's on a decline or just a shad fly hatch shutdown, any other comments?


    Did the G2G have much luck other than some pike?

  5. I've got about 4 old white stradics and they are my favourite for my smallie/walleye rods. I've got a stradic mg on a 6'3 jigging rod. I've got a diawa SS as well. None are spooled with heavy line, either lighter braid or mono or flouro. I wouldn't cast a 20$ lure that weighs 2oz with them.

  6. I've got a 4000 Symetre that's about 10years old. I use it on a 7ft heavy action spinning rod, with 40lb braid, for pike and larger cranks, river musky, etc. It's been skipping and stalling for a couple years. Last year, it worked for a day but started stalling up and seized after getting into a nice bay full of pike after about 4hours of use. I think it's from casting heavy baits, and wearing a gear out or something. I took it apart, lubed it up, and put it back together. It seems okay, but I don't want it to blow up or stall out after a cast to a fish.


    I might pick up a new 4000 series Symetre just in case. Nice reel to have around for the heavy action spinning rod, pier fishing or carp fishing.


    Does casting big baits with spinning gear typically burn them out? Is there a spinning reel with that's more durable for bigger baits?


    Rock on!

  7. I've fished Red Ceder a couple of times when younger. I liked the lake. Fishing around the narrows always hooked into fish. From the Field side of the lake, there was a nice little island which trolling around always caught fish too.


    I'm camping in Marten River PP for a few days this summer. I don't know much about the river. If we can't find a good bite around the PP, we might take a boat over to Red Ceder and fish it for a while!!!


    Do you guys have anything good to say about Marten River?

  8. Weed growth and some fish prefer warmer water in the spring. I've read articles which mention warmer bays and water areas work good spots for pike in the spring. I've noticed it on a few lakes I've fished too for both Walleye and Pike.


    If you're near Pickering, fish are going to the outflow of the nuclear plant because of the warm water.


    Walleye might be holding near warmer rock areas or where some weeds are beginning to grow.

  9. Which area of a lake tends to warm fastest? I thought it was the north west bays because sun hits it more in the morning and thought the day. Night time it gets darker faster though. Southeast shorelines get more shade so they warm up less? Rock warms faster than mud too.


    Am I correct or what?

  10. woot woot....FnA.....she's purrin like a kitten


    Thanks for the tips. I cleaned the terminals but it wasn't it. The first assembled piece of the motor that connects the wiring to the battery was off the stainless bracket. I must have knocked it off when removing the oil filter. The assembly is the starter relay I think? It's the piece that clicks when the starter is pushed. However, it wouldn't slide back into place so I bent the tabs open, slide it in place and folded the tabs closed. First time hitting go, it turned over with lots of juice.


    I got the boat motor going, got the lawn mower going, and summerized the snow blower. Not bad for a guy who's not very mechanically inclined.


    Time for some hockey and a few Blues well I read over the new Ontario Out of Doors, Beer store mag and crappy tire flyer.


    Hopefully tomorrow I'll be booking a cabin or tent site for the Tuesday and Wednesday of the week before the LakeAir G2G for a little trip up that way.

  11. Just did the oil change, oil filter, gear oil, and prop grease on my 2002 25hp 4 stroke yammy. I didn't try to start it before doing this, but a few months ago I hit the electric start and there was enough juice to turn it over. Now when I hit the start, there's just a little buzzing snapping sound. Electric start is good, but I hate each year when the boat sits for a while. I hate marine batteries too, every other year I seem to be replace a battery or two.


    I've got the c tech charger on the starting battery and the nautalis charger on my trolling motor batteries. Hopefully, the starter will charge and that's enough to turn it over. Last spring it was in the water, to find not enough juice to turn it over, so off to Crappy T, for a new battery. At least this year, the 1 year warrenty won't be up on the CT cranking battery.


    I guess I should do more in the fall and put a trickle charge on the starting battery.


    I can deal with the home computer crashing and screwing up, but I hate when my boat motor isn't good to go each spring. My old Johnson pull start was simple to get going each year....add gas, top up the oil, pull the cord 5 or 6 times.


    Does a blown starter make any noise? Does the buzzing snapping sound, indicate the starter is good, just not enough cranking amps?


    After this I get to figure out the boat lighting....fun fun.

  12. I always thought I would never enjoy trips down south. I've always enjoyed fishing trips up north, and got a group of friends to go up for 6years in a row. We usually go to remote Quebec, and spend better parts of 1grand each for the whole week(cabin&boat 500-600$/gas 20$/travel 80-100$/gear some spend hundreds some spend 50$ /food 60-80$steaksx3/smoked chops,burgers sausages/beer 100-200$). Finally went south for a friends wedding(missed one a few years earlier as I spent my money of fishing). This year, my wife and I did our honeymoon in Mexico during the summer. For the 1000-1500$ to fly to a tropical resort is great. The all you can drink and eat is fantastic. They are so relaxing and the excursions are fun! Hate the shopping down south! I regret missing out on the one wedding, and am planning for more trips south over the next few years. I just need budget them in with a yearly 1 grand fishing trip too! Fished in Mexico but didn't catch anything. Rained most of the week in Dominican so we didn't fish. One of these years it'd be nice to catch a baracuda, maui maui, or sail fish!!!!

  13. The employee can call in sick(stress), or be honest and say they don't feel comfortable, which, I wouldn't think the employer wouldn't have to pay the employee, unless roads are actually closed. So it's either a sick day, a day without pay or different job duty, a vacation day, or take the risks(any accident is covered by the employers insurance though).


    My company is good. Living up here in Bruce County, each year staff gets stuck at work for 2-3days. Everybody gets double time after their first shift is over, untill they leave. If we are on company business, and roads are closed up in B.C. We are allowed to book hotels and have meals on the company in a safer area till it clears up. If roads are just bad, and we don't want to come to work, it's either banked time or vacation time. If we're late 2hours due to weather we don't have to make up the time.


    Driving a new truck, it's not worth the risk to get caught up in accidents and have to deal with insurance. Also, getting stuck on some closed road since you weren't listening to the radio, and risking fines or no insurance in an accident, is not worth it. If getting somewhere can be delayed, it's not worth the risk, so hotels, or cancelling plans is the best bet!

  14. How's ice fishing at night? I'm looking at a trip to Simcoe and they offer night fishing and might consider it. Other ice fishing trips at night, it's usually just a party, but they tell stories of pike moving through and taking jigs(but that's on Nipissing), so we keep our lines down, but end up with nothing.


    Do the whities bite well at night? Do perch bite at night?


    For the cost of a hotel rental, dining out, staying sober, it might be worth while to switch from the perch grounds to deeper water for the night. Bring steaks for the bbq, drink beers without added costs, pass out on the benches, wake up and fish for the next day, and head home.


    Anybody have good experiences doing trips like this or do you prefer to just fish the day, and head back to the motel(and a stop an AA meeting in Atherly).

  15. As a who ever is playing the Leafs fan, a few things I didn't like tonight:


    1) Don Cherry saying it's wrong to boo these guys. Sure Brown plays hard, but the whole dam team is losing 5-0 to a team that they should compete with, and it's their 6th time being shut out all season(1/4 of their games). Fans pay huge money to be there, and if they're lifer leafs fans, or casual fans of hockey, it's in their rite to boo the Leafs for their poor play!!!!!


    2) The whole "Leafs win, Leafs win" attitude at the end. Players jumping around like they won the cup, and the annoucer doing his best to sound like they just won it all. They should skate of the ice with there heads up for winning, but act they've been there, done it before and will do it again, not like this meant something.

  16. I wonder what the over/under is on the Leafs obtaining 4 points or more in the next week? Boston, Pittsburgh, Washington, Philidephia. Next weeks HNIC is Montreal again, so that might be 1 point as it's usually good for overtime, but this years Leafs not likely. That week is all Canada teams, Montreal, Edmonton, Calgary, Vanoouver.


    I think the Leafs will be 2nd last in the league and out of the playoffs by Xmas!!!!!!! Lottery pick for Boston.....most likely!!!!!!!!

  17. Not so bad...Wasaga Beach and Eastern GeoBay may of had it worse.....one major incident did occur as a 27yr old Power Worker lost his life.....MOL still on the scene....2400V of electricity, open chest wound....gossip around town makes the story worse, but I can't disclose the gossip online.....

  18. I've heard from a friend who's uncle owns one of the marinas on Woods Bay...there's walleye around but not many.....fish in about 20fow just inside the Blackstone Harbour narrows, or work your way around that current area. Off some of the islands or shoals around Woods Bay or Blackstone too, the walleye might be roaming and caught on bottom with a jig and worm....as well as the smallies will move in on them too.


    I've been out there in October close to the islands before main GeoBay and raised an aggressive 2-3lber at a 9inch grandma casting at a wed bed in 10fow off an outer island. That's the only one I've seen there in about 40hrs of fishing there. Caught a 6lb eye on the same grandma on Nipissing the same time of year, a year after this....the eyes are aiming to get fat, so they'll hit larger baits!


    Ontario record musky was caught off an island in Blackstone.....using a dinky rapala by some who didn't likely have a clue of what he was doing.....

  19. I'm onto my first truck and it has a 5.5ft box. My rods fit flat in the box on the angle, but I wonder how safe they are from breaking? Anybody have a tip bust, from sliding around inside a truck box?


    I was already looking for a rod case for my 13ft rods for the steelhead trips but the new truck has me thinking of the other rods I own. I have a shimano rod carrying sling that offers some protection for multiple rods on my fishing trips. A rod tube with a reel section would be nice.


    Anybody have experience with Frabill Port A Pole series cases, either soft or hard? They both extend to 8ft, and hold a few rods and reels. They appear to be what I'm looking for.


    I think a rigid rod case for my truck would likely be a good investment. Surely I'll slide them in the odd time for a quick fishing trip, but long trips and or on rougher roads it could save a tip or two.


    Thanks for your input!

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