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Posts posted by Gerry

  1. Crazy is correct. GPS units, even with external antennas, are somewhat inaccurate in positioning and so it stands to reason that they will also be off when indicating low speeds. If you want precision at low speeds a GPS will not do it for you, especially worse with an internal antenna. If you want precision for trolling only a paddle wheel specially designed for this application will give that to you. I use this while trolling for walleye or salmon: Moore Subtroll.

  2. Because you're posting this on a fishing forum I'll assume you'll be using the garage to store your boat. An important tip is to get a door that will be high enough the clear your motor. I have a 225 Optimax and I needed an 9ft (height) door when I built my new house in 2002.

  3. This "policy" is news to me also and I've fished boarder waters for many years. I don't see why we operate differently than what the US authorities do. The US will allow Cdns to fish in US waters without having to report as long as you don't touch US soil and that you have the appropriate license. We should return the money and apologize.


    As to the one poster who complains about US patrol boats entering CDN waters, our government has given them that right and as I understand it, our patrol boats can do likewise.

  4. I would never tow anything with a front wheel drive vehicle. Firstly, car companies exaggerate towing capacities by at least 25%. Caravans and the like have very weak trannys, brakes, etc when these need to be beefier for towing. Secondly, front wheel drive cars are dangerous. It's one thing to pull something, it's entirely another matter trying to stop or maneuvering in evasive situations. Thirdly, as one poster mentioned, pulling up a wet ramp is often problematic and makes others curse at the one who is spinning their tires and can't get the boat pulled out, tying up the ramp. Yeah, there are those who say my friend is doing it, or I've seen someone pulling a 20FTer, that doesn't mean it's safe. If it's not safe then you're a menace to yourself and others on the road, including me. I've always said that if you're towing something heavy, then tow with something heavy. IMO, the only safe way to tow is with a full size pickup and preferrably with 4x4....the longer the wheelbase the better.

  5. If the food's not edible then you shouldn't pay!


    I had a bad experience at La Chaumiere in Timmins on Labour Day weekend of 2010. I ordered fish & chips (their specialty) and after one bite into the fish I called the waitress over to tell her that the fish was horribly overcooked. She took it back to the kitchen and returned shortly thereafter to say there was nothing wrong with it but I could order something else, oh and I would be charged for both. I then said to forget everything and that I would not pay. She then brought the owner out who said that she would make an exception but that next time I would have to pay. I politely told her that there would never be a 'next time'. I left and did not pay!

  6. Lew, are you sure you don't have a 3 bank on-board charger in your boat? I'd be surprised that Skeeter would not have one pre-installed. An on-board charger is the better way to go in my opinion. I wouldn't trust my expensive batteries to cheap gadgets. I have a 4 bank Dual-Pro on my Ranger and I just leave the charger plugged in all winter. You can add a single bank on-board or swap the 2 bank for a 3 bank unit, and sell the 2 bank.


    As for the generator battery a monthly charge should be suficient.

  7. Wayne, I just read this and I can only imagine what it's like to go through what your family is enduring right now. Life throws you a crappy hand sometimes. I sincerley hope that all goes well. It's important that Mom and Dad stay healthy too, daughter will need them....so take care of yourselves.


    My thoughts will remain with you until she is cured.


    Take care.

  8. I used to have Johnson's, my last one was a 2000 150 Faststike (non Ficht) and I loved it. The one that you describe was an early version of the new DFI technology and it was very bad...they all blew up. I would bet that it has received a new powerhead, but what version. I would stay away from it.

  9. Nice report and too bad about the car.


    My daughter and son-in-law just got back from a 16 day honeymoon trip to France and Spain. They visited places like Paris, Dijon, Chamonix, Annesi, Carcasonne, San Sebastien and Madrid....just saw some of the pics last night and all I can say is I'm going there someday.

  10. I think that what is being misunderstood here is that a fish on your line counts towards your possession limit. It is for this very reason that tournaments have the 1 under possession limit. You can continue fishing and catch another fish without being over limit. I know this a technical point but those are the rules.

  11. Terry has it right...its your responsibility to correct the situation. I all practicality, this wouldn't happen as bass and perch don't co-exist...bass are the predators and perch are the meals, unless you have a suicidal perch. But walleye and perch do co-exist and so you would have to make sure you discontinue whaterver method is attracting the over limit species....or go home. Ontario is different than New York in this aspect because in New York you can have your limit and still continue to fish for bigger fish. Confusing, huh?

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