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  1. Hi.. Ladies and Gents first of all I've been reading alot of good news (fishing) and seeing alot of pic how they had a good success..Even though before I'm not a member in this forum I always check whats happening.. I see lots of people here are willing to share there knowledge and willing to help.. I know that Im just new here and hoping to learn from people here.. Im just knew to rainbow or steelhead fishing tried 5 times and Im not quiting lol.. been to Niagara Falls Whirlpool, Port Hope, Duffins Creek and Colonel Danforth but always no luck.. Is there anyway I could ask some tips from people here... what to look for from rivers or stream Or maybe can share some places.. I used roe bags, Am I in a right track? Do I need to used something else?? I also do practice catch and release.. Im from Toronto and willing to drive up.. any help would gladly appreciated.. thnx in advance! bfisherman
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