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About lakeman

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    near Toronto

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Im thinking of going Oba Lake but first id like to find out if the fishing is worthwhile also how long does it take to get their on the train. Does the train leave from Hawk Junction or do you have to get on elsewhere. How much is the train fare( return). Are the cabins clean and comfortable, do they have a screened porch??. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for spending the time replying...... Larry Oliver.
  2. the one thats in the Wawa area... any info would be appreciated. just usual questions, thanks in advance....
  3. Has anyone fished Ingall Lake...Any info would be appreciated....Thanks.
  4. Sorry to say but your options are limited.....FRYING PAN or FREEZER... NOW TO GET SERIOUS, best way to release fish alive is with a barbless hook or with a SINGLE hook. If you care about the fish, you should be trying to release them with as little damage as possible,unfortunately the fishing shows on t.v. represent companies and money and want you to buy their products, treble hook fishware can kill fish, more often than not...i am an avid fisherman and believe in most fishing situations a SINGLE hook is enough to catch fish of most/if not all species. My method of trying to release a fish which has swallowed a hook deeply is to cut the line as close to the lips as possible, as you do this,BE CAREFUL NOT TO PUT TENSION/PULL on the line, this way the fish may survive, as for enzymes eating away at hooks quickly im not so sure about that. Ive re-caught fish with one of my hooks in it at a later date and found the hook had rusted a bit was far from being rusted away.....just my two cents worth
  5. Afraid with fish that have swallowed deep, from my point of view you only have two real options...frying pan or freezer..!!...lol. just kidding, i think the best way to keep fish alive are with barbless hook,....no trebles..!!.. you only need a single hook to catch big fish..forget about those fishing shows, most are just trying to sell products....from my experience and im an avid fisherman,if i catch a fish and the hook is too deep to take out, i cut the line as close to the fishes lip. ie. cut the line as short to the hook as possible. DO NOT PULL ON THE LINE because if you do this(you may critically kill the fish).
  6. those are awsome fish must be from lake simcoe..or Nipissing...beauties.!!!!! nice pics too.
  7. sorry...no pics as i was fishing alone, this time figured if i did catch anything, would be awfully hard to keep the fish still!! and take pic at same time..Bob Izumu never saw any action like a had with this baby...first my line got tangled around the drum meaning i couldnt reel in..!!...second i heard big splash as she tried to spit the hook she was behind me..and the motor..not an easy position to be in,when your in a scanoe.!!.......3rd as she wrapped her self round my anchor rope, i had to quickly put my rod under the anchor rope and hold tension on the line, with the other hand..!! To crown it off, i quickly pulled her up as i struggled to keep tension on manually grabbed her by the bottom lip and hauled her aboard..by this time my heart was racing!!...One fish never to be forgotten!!
  8. Seems some people are just pure ignorant...im afraid we cant legislate for sheer stupidity.Hopefully one those clowns will read this post and realise that that its very easy to piss people of with bad behaviour..What they did goes against our ethics as fisherman...if your reading this and you were involved in the incident, think about if some one did the same to you...have respect for others.!!!
  9. Just wondering, how many of my fishing friends here on site... have ever caught a 21 inch long, small mouth bass on an inland lake....how long do these fish get usually....thanks for your info.....I landed one on the week-end.!!..
  10. ive got a wetskins find you get wet INSIDE due to your body sweating, prefer the other i bought from Bass Pro shops..
  11. Got a pretty good one from Bass Pro shops for under a hundred bucks, nice and light too...Hope this helps..
  12. lakeman


    Biggest Smallie......i caught was pushing....20 inches.....wasnt even 5lbs...!!!
  13. Thanks for the input,Moosebunk. Much appreciated, i know my buds crazy about catching walleye but doesnt really matter...long as somethings tugging...!! Just going to be great to get away to a different area of Ontario,was up at Wawa...a couple of years ago,had a great time.....even the fishing was okay...!!!
  14. Thanks for the input,Moosebunk. Much appreciated, i know my buds crazy about catching walleye but doesnt really matter...long as somethings tugging...!! Just going to be great to get away to a different area of Ontario,was up at Wawa...a couple of years ago,had a great time.....even the fishing was okay...!!!
  15. Hi...Fellow..Fisherpeople....!!! Im going up North with some buds...the first week of August,has anyone fished this lake??.......if so some info...would be much appreciated. Will send a report with some pics when i return.
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