Sorry to say but your options are limited.....FRYING PAN or FREEZER...
NOW TO GET SERIOUS, best way to release fish alive is with a barbless hook or with a SINGLE hook.
If you care about the fish, you should be trying to release them with as little damage as possible,unfortunately the fishing shows on t.v. represent companies and money and want you to buy their products, treble hook fishware can kill fish, more often than not...i am an avid fisherman and believe in most fishing situations a SINGLE hook is enough to catch fish of most/if not all species.
My method of trying to release a fish which has swallowed a hook deeply is to cut the line as close to the lips as possible, as you do this,BE CAREFUL NOT TO PUT TENSION/PULL on the line, this way the fish may survive, as for enzymes eating away at hooks quickly im not so sure about that. Ive re-caught fish with one of my hooks in it at a later date and found the hook had rusted a bit was far from being rusted away.....just my two cents worth