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Everything posted by boddah

  1. does anyone creek fish?? i was hiking past some creeks in the forest that i have passed many times before, and saw somthing bigger than a minnow, a brookie!! wow all water can hold fish, even a creek that is 3 feet wide, just keep your eyes open!!
  2. Klaus Marine, just off the Gardener. The only ones to fix my motor after others have failed... soldiers bay, pride of muskoka, baysville marine all tried and failed miserably with Bull excuses. Thanks Paul.
  3. can bass eat small catfish or are they safe because of those fin barbs? and if so can they eat wide bodied fish like sunfish or rock bass? i always wondered about this so any theories are welcome.
  4. Last week I put my canoe in a small lake at the side of a road. The water was 5 feet from the roads shoulder. I fished for maybe 10 minutes when someone from across the lake told me I was "kinda trespassing" so I said sorry and left. I didn't argue because I didn't know the laws,was I in the wrong?? Can someone actually own the water itself?? and is there some sort of road allowance that is public?? Any answers or thoughts?? I don't want to trespass and step on someones toes, I just want to go fishing.
  5. I figured it must be somthing like that but all the wires are labeled 1,2,3, and i put them in the harnes labeled 1,2,3
  6. On my last fishing trip all the wires pulled out of the wire harness on my trolling motor and i put it all back together. My problem is that when i use it on 12V, it moves forward BUT when i switch to 24V, the prop goes in the opposite direction pulling me backwards!! What the hell is going on!! Please help!!
  7. I'm looking at trying a couple of new lakes this year and was wondering if anyone had any input to Orr Lake or Bass Lake. Both are near Orilla.
  8. I have not gone out yet, and was wondering if I could get some updates. I heard scugog was good this year. How about missisauga, etobicoke, frenchmens,or simcoe?? Thanks guys.....oh are the smokestacks still dead?
  9. We were next to the guys with the generator running the christmas lights, stereo and big tv!!! They didn't have much luck either, but they did catch a mud puppy one night.
  10. I was at snowfari too last weekend. Not much luck. What cabin were you in copper??
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