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About boddah

  • Birthday 04/01/1977

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    king's country

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  1. Thanks for the help guys
  2. Nobody? Is anyone familiar with the distress river?
  3. Is anyone familiar with this area?? I can't find any info on what fish are in the distress river. It flows into the magnetawan river which I believe has bass pike and walleye. Any info is much appreciated!!
  4. it has the mouth of a bass for sure and has sunfih markings....doesnt really look like a warmouth?
  5. i am not near erie...in king township...caught it in a pond that i couldnt fish in summer cause of bullrushes and swampy conditions
  6. can two types of fish breed?? i wanna see largemouth and pike...bigass mouth full of teeth
  7. pulled this thru the ice today...has the body ,mouth of a rockbass but blue markings on the head like a bluegill...hybrid??
  8. Looking for waders and need some info like boots or one piece? insulated? anything else important? canadian tire has half price on "lamanite breathable waders". Are these any good? anyone else buying these? thanks alot for any info
  9. nothing...........my buddy got 2 and they just shut down when i got there.
  10. heading out tomorrow for the first time this year.......wish me luck
  11. never caught one but want too. a friend caught them in boq near trenton. a good lure to use is just a piece of nylon rope, open it up so that it is all frayed and their teeth will get stuck. i think i heard of this idea on this forum
  12. anyone from the angus area know how the runs are
  13. any suggestions for salmon locations? credit river is too busy looking for another spot. i live north of toronto and was wondering how the nottawasaga is and where. aliston area or even coldwater? any help at all guys would be great, looking to use my new love of fly fishing
  14. i usually catch and release, but the odd time i do bring one home its alive in the live well. what kind of fine is there for this? it is easier than a cooler full of ice and dead fish
  15. Klaus Marine in etobicoke just off the QEW. After a problem with my motor and 3 different places later with no ideas, they found and fixed the problem.
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