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About Bassledgen

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  1. My best advice is to mark which finger your getting operated on and make sure its the right one. I got my knee operated on last year and didnt mark it and they did the wrong knee. Theres nothing like waking up with the Dr telling me he operated on the wrong knee. So he did both. Now Im looking for a good lawyer. Thats my only advice, mark the finger well.
  2. The company you want is BassMagnet Lures. There web site is www.bassmagnetlures.com. They have alot of soft plastic material for making worms and tube.
  3. I've had a few kidney stones before, and found the best way to kill the pain was to either soak in a hot, hot bath, or use a heating pad on your lower back. It helps with pain but nothing helps when they come out. ~L~
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