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  1. Wayne I agree that it's tough paying to fly in when one can drag a boat across the portage and access the lake, but it is a great location, and perfect for a first time fly in or for a family not wanting to be really isolated. We started going to other areas for our fly- ins for this reason, and the tough slot the MNR had imposed years ago.
  2. Ah.....Diamond, one of my favourite places. Went on my first fly-in there 20 years ago, and went back about 7 times! Did well some years and found it tough others, but the lake and scenery is awesome, as is the cabin! Been through Diamond on several canoe trips as well. T&M Hunter, are you on the island on the big lake this summer? I think we were there the same time last year.....we were at the cottage on the other side of the island. Fang, are you heading up this year? Would love to fish with you and catch a few. We're up the 10th of July this year for a week! Marc
  3. Great report Fang! We were fortunate enough to spend the first 2 weeks of July there this year, our 8th season in cottage #1, on the other side of the island. R&P have a beautiful spot there. I notice the water temps have come down a bit since we were there. We were lucky enough to be there during the heat wave. Didn't get a chance to fish too much, as this was our family holiday, but we did get to spend a lot of time on and in the water. Can't wait 'til next year!
  4. Ditto for Charleston......nicest lake in Eastern Ontario IMO! Great campground too! Very popular park, so be sure to reserve 5 months in advance!
  5. I think Cronzy's great! I had the pleasure of attending one of his shows here in Ottawa several years ago. He made an important point which I think makes a lot of sense. You can raise a rainbow trout in a sewer, but would you want to eat it? If people eat fish, they'll be more concious of where it comes from. I have to admit that for our shore lunches, we use lard instead of the "healthier" oils out there. It does make a difference, IMO! We certainly don't do this year round, but for a few shore lunches each summer, why not!
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