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Everything posted by shaker
Do you ever apply drag with your "reeling" hand?
Hi again guys. Before this thread inevitably dies I just want to ask one more question. Soon I'm hoping to land some fish with my new setup (I guess that goes without saying). I landed my share with my spinning setup and it was relatively easy with the drag etc. but I'm sure it's going to be a whole different animal with the centerpin. Can you please give me any advice about playing and landing steelhead for a novice pinner? I have no idea what to expect, let alone what to do.
If anyone's interested...my Day 2 update: My casting has really improved thanks to some of your tips (see below). I've been trying the side cast and Wallis cast and am hitting my spot maybe 75% of the time. I know that means I still have lots of practicing to do, but compared to yesterday I'm pretty happy. Still no fish though, but that may be a blessing in disguise, as I can focus on practicing my casts. I moved the reel away from the butt and that made such a huge difference, I can't thank you guys (bare foot wader and floatman especially) enough for that advice. While I'm at it I might as well add another stupid question. When I use backing (which I'm not now, but will eventually), how do I connect it to the main line?
Thanks for the reel location/balance tips. I will adjust the reel away from the butt, find a comfortable location, and use my forearm. I'll also try for summer smallies. Use a float with the senkos?
My first outing with the new reel wasn't a total disaster but I have a lot of practicing to do. Good news, no birds nests! The bad news, I couldn't control where my float was going at all. After a few years of figuring out how to read the water, I could not hit my spot or even come close. More than half the time it landed less than 10 feet away from me. Needless to say, no fish. Also, my wrist got really tired so I must be holding the rod incorrectly or something. Thanks Dan on your line filling suggestion, that is what I had done so I don't feel like I'm doing anything majorly wrong on that, but I will go to backing eventually since that's what most of you are saying. I'll keep at it and maybe post and update in case anyone cares
Tomorrow will be interesting. Excited and dreading it at the same time.
Thanks guys. How important is it to fill the spool right up to the 1/8" from the lip?
I just bought my first centerpin, an Okuma Aventa. I've been fishing for steelhead with my spinning rod for 3 years and am feeling very comfortable reading the water and have been catching my share of fish, so I finally decided to try a pin. I'm a bit nervous about trying it, but hope I'll catch on without too many problems. I have a lot of questions and have been reading the forums which are helping immensely. My first question is about line. The guy at the store said I should use backing, but I've read mixed things about this. Is it necessary? If so, what kind and how much should I put on? Also, how full should the spool be? Also, hopefully this question isn't too stupid, is there any advantage to reeling with your left hand vs. right hand? I've always used my right, but it seems I'm in the minority. And if you have any advice for my first time out, please let me know. Thanks.
This thing looked more like a weapon than something to take samples. The guy was in his 70's I'd guess. Also, no golf courses in the area.
This morning I saw a guy walking towards the river with what looked like a metal, funnel shaped contraption attached to a 20 foot aluminmum pole. In his other hand was a pail. WTH is that???
Thanks for all the advice. I think I'll follow TDunn's recommendation and try to master the spinning reel, and learn how to read the water etc. Reading all the comments though, got me thinking of another question...my baitcaster rod is a 7'2" telescopic Shimano, it says line weight 12-25lb, lure weight 3/8-1oz. Would it be ok for steelhead float fishing, or is it not suited for that? Thanks all!
I'm relatively new to steelhead river float fishing. I bought a noodle rod last year and have been using it with a spinning reel. Would I be better off using my baitcaster reel? I realize a centre pin reel would probably be best, but want to try to make do with what I already own.
Does anyone have any feedback on these rods? Would mostly be using it for drift fishing, but would like to have the versatility for casting too.
Is it possible to get to the Streetsville dam/fish ladder on the Credit River to view the fish (would love to take my nephews, just to see the salmon), or is it all private land?
As Jeff Foxworth says, "If you've ever been too drunk to fish............you might be a redneck".
I'm heading up to Taboo for a golf weekend, but I'm more into fishing than golf. I've never been on Lake Muskoka before and wonder if anyone can provide any helpful information regarding pike fishing in the area. The resort is around the south eastern part of the lake.
Cosmos, the Plueger President is sweet. Got one last year, and thanks to your post I just picked another one up at CTC for $49.99. The model at CTC is 6735 which is the same one I got at Bass Pro last year. Beautiful, 9 bearings super smooth. Here are the customer reviews from Bass Pro: http://www.basspro.c...__SearchResults You won't be disappointed.
I appreciate all of the advice. I still haven't caught my first steelhead, but I will keep experimenting with increased confidence thanks to you.
Thanks. I did find that link when I was researching before and yes, there are 2 patterns there that show one split shot on the leader. What I'm more curious about is if it is common practice to place multiple spaced-out shot on the leader.
Yes, I did try a search I did find some info on shot patterns, but as per my original post all the info I've read and diagrams I've viewed show the shot ABOVE the leader on the main line. My specific question is about placing shot on the leader BELOW the swivel. Thanks for the info regarding compromising leader strength.
I'm new to the board and new to steelhead fishing as well. I've done some searching here about split shot patterns and found some great links. My question is, is it proper technique to put split shot on the leader? Most of what I've read only describes placing shot between the float and swivel. Would appreciate any advice.
This might not be feasible for you because I use mine in a canoe, but I don't even use the suction cup. I screwed the transducer onto a piece of hockey stick and clamp it on the side of the canoe with a C clamp. It works great. If you use your imagination maybe you can come up with something.
First time poster, and rookie steelhead fisherman...does anyone know if Steelhead are still in the Credit River north of Streetsville, or have they dropped back to the lake?