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About rwheeler

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  1. WOW, is about all that can be said. My biggest was close to 7 and this dwarfs it. IMO, smallmouth are the "grouper" of freshwater and just about one of the funnest fish to catch. Ryan
  2. Similar to T.J. I'm a little biased on this one because I know Shaun, but met him as a fan after I started watching (so I guess it's not that bad.) My favorite would have to be Urban Outdoor Adventures. I regulary watch quite a few others, but this show seems to be a little more cutting edge and faster paced for my taste. I grew up watching shows of the south with hosts yelling "look-a-that-bayass" and have grown very tired of it. I seem to gravitate towards shows that are more informative and aren't just a couple of talking heads telling bad jokes. Ryan
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