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Everything posted by FlyGuy5

  1. Well done great looking fish, that just inspired me to tie some flies and gonna hit the water tomorrow.
  2. Just because you have two weeks off doesn't mean you aren't making some good presentations

  3. Went out pike fishing with Sedge from LetsFish Guiding and we decided to take some underwater shots with the GoPro HD camera. We got some decent shots of pike, one oos bass and a large rock bass. I have created a video from the great day of fishing. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Y0TOSbQZnl4
  4. I went out to the Kids and Cops Family Fishing Day to volunteer my time and give back to Kids who are the future of fishing. It was held at the Seymour Conservation Area in Cambelford. They stock the pond with over 500 rainbow trout so I figured good place to bring my fly tying equimpment to teach and show kids how to tie flies then be able to give them to the kid so they could catch Trout or Rock Bass. I found that a lot of kids wanted to know what I was doing and when I told them they wanted to see it done which I loved doing and explaining what I was doing. I just stuck to basic patterens exept one kid wanted to watch me tie a crayfish and when I was done he was so amazed with the fly. After a while of tying I went on to help 2 kid catch there 1st fish of there life which was just as rewarding for me to see the smile of there faces as it was for them to reel in the fish and be able to touch it and release it. It was a great feeling as I sure it was for the 2 young boys too. I gave out flies to anyone who wanted them to use either that day or some other time. I watch a few kids catch fish on my fly which was great to see the best fly of the day was a Hares ear nymph. I just hope that I got kids intreseted in fishing and fly fishing as well it was a great experance and I can't wait to do it again...
  5. I found that it works great so far i'm really impressed with it. I also watched a video with it strapped on the wing on a plane it wow it was great I can't wait to see thoes video and pictures you take on your way into some back lakes.
  6. being released
  7. Blue Fox Matrix is what worked well for us matched with 30lb suffix braided line.
  8. Huge Rock Bass on a big spoon!
  9. Underwater view on a spinner
  10. about to be released
  11. Was out on Wellers bay near Brighton and was going for nothing but Pike all rig up with heavy gear. We got on the water around 8am and within the first 5 minutes we boated our first pike of the day! The action was good all day long as we landed close to 20 pike and some big and I mean big rock bass as well with some oos bass. We were throwing spinners as well with some blue fox matrix. I hook into a pike with my fly rod but I got snapped off only having 4 pound test on (rigged for steelhead) after that I put on 8 pound test on but high winds made it hard to cast with the fly rod so I resorted in the spinning rod and the baitcaster here are some pictures taken with a new GOPRO HD camera its sweet!!! enjoy..
  12. Gotta love browns on the fly
  13. I would catch him the same way I caught these ones!!! wolley bugger, hairs ear, phanset tail.
  14. We are thinking about selling the kit lol
  15. Went out on Rice Lake on Thursday and Friday night for some Walleye. Thursday night was good we caught about 15 Walleye only having one in the slot size the rest were dinks nothing to really speak of. It was dark and my buddy just landed a Walleye and somehow after taking the hook out he had his rod and reel and lure go into the water and being so dark we couldn't see it only fishing in about 10 fow. It started to rain so I marked it on my GPS and we decided to pack it in and come back out on Friday night to look for it. My buddy at work thinks of a way that he would be able to rake the bottom of the lake in hope to catch his rod and reel. He put together 4 peices of rebar with 4 hooks he tied it all together and it did look like it might work . I told him but this might wreck your rod if you do find it, so he said pass me the duck tape lol.. He tape the whole thing with duck tape. We went right back to the spot Thanks to the GPS and he tied 2 peices of rope to the big rebar rake and started to drag it about 30 feet before he pulled it up to find nothing but weeds, he tossed it back out and went another 30 feet and pulled it up as he had caught his rod with the rake I couldn't believe it, it took us only 20 minutes to find the rod and reel which now we had more time to fish. We had a great night of walleye fishing cathing over 40 Walleye but nothing over the slot size we the biggest one was about 17 inches and again lots of dinks. All in All it was a great day as we found my buddy's $250 rod with reel and lure all attached. At the end of the night we were stopped by the MNR and the OPP they checked all the walleye that we had in the live well and everything was good to go they said we had caught the most fish on the lake that day. Then they asked us what the rebar was for and we told them they had a good laugh.... he are some pics enjoy
  16. No I'm allowed to bring a few people when I go. Its a great spot I've been fishing it for over 8 year now.
  17. The spot in which I was fishing is private property and only 2 people including myself get permission to fish this land so it no worries to me. Sad part it got to the point where someone was charged for tresspassing and there are signs all over saying no tresspassing keep out.
  18. Here is another video I put together for my buddy Charter service. This video was from a short outing late last summer and we manged to hook into a few fish check it out and book your experience now!
  19. I put this video together and posted it on youtube check it out.
  20. I've been fly fishing and tying for 15 year now!!!
  21. Hi just thought that I would share this story in our local paper!!! http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2569233
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