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Everything posted by thebigcatch

  1. I'm lookin to buy a Z1?
  2. Only get the DC200 I have 4 of them the bast reel you can get !!!You can beat the DC200!!
  3. From Hamilton no thaxz
  4. What forums ? Thaxz
  5. Is the credit frozen over ?
  6. Im looking for some none curd roe if any one has some and would like to sell a bit let me know! Thaxz Adam
  7. For my first one it's ok just till next year!
  8. Only 8000 k on it!
  9. Hey guys just want to see if any one wants to go to the credit river next week for some center pinin ? I live in hamilton and don't drive I'll go 1/2 on gas with you!
  10. Thaxz guys yeah it's not bad! O yeah I just got the helmut Ist a arctic cat and I have a Yamaha lol but next year I'm geting a arctic cat so it's ok haha
  11. Well I get my first snowmobile! It's a 1988 388cc For $500.00 runs good and in A1 condition. Just need it to get out on the lake
  12. Nothing but suffix for me!
  13. Yeah I know it was a shot in the dark lol :s
  14. A friend just gave me one still in the box. Any One have one? What are thay like?
  15. I sell Baffin at my store give me a call 905-544-6858 open 9 to 5
  16. ONLY GET BAFFIN! The best of the beat!
  17. Any one now of some good steelhead spots (rivers) this time of year in the GTA? All the spots I know of are all closed Pm me Thaxz Adam
  18. Good open for 2011 nice job
  19. Yeah but not alot .... You can fish all week and use all the lures you have and you still won't get a welleye from there I don't know y that is but it is lol there are not that meny eyes in there
  20. Thaxz alot guys .... It's not a big fish but for this lake it's like 1 in 1000 to get a welleye
  21. For people who know what fishing is like at Binbrook you will like this ..... you don't see this very much there...... 19" walleye
  22. Just had to post this
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