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Everything posted by FishinNanna
Coyote grabs Pomeranian in Pickering area.
FishinNanna replied to fishinfool's topic in General Discussion
When they were bringing in the gun registration, we got rid of all that we had (not that we had alot, but certainly something to keep one of these at bay). Now I'm quite concerned and wish I still had a 22. I'm a little concerned about going for walks on the country road! -
I probably look like a troll, Dutch .. but I can assure you that there is no troll here. But you are right, this is getting silly .. just wanted to add things I've been "hearing", if that's ok. Goodnight ..God Bless ..
Now that there is a limit .. you call it outragous. Before Jan 1/10, when there was no limit .. you never said a thing about it then, is my bet. Probably never gave what seemed to be a non-issue the time of day. Mr Brown ... do you continue to refer to the RLTA as a cottage association in an effort to further antagonize people? Please .. you know precisely who they are and it would stand you in good stead to show your manners and refer to them as such. "They" are the Rice Lake Tourist Association ... and those of them that I know are very hard working, honest, salt of the earth people. I take it as a personal insult when you attempt to attack them with your low browed, smarmy comments. This child-like behaviour is unnecessary and merely shows the level of intellect.
Islander .... you just said it ..... a winter walleye fishery! I think that's what some of these fellas are pushing for, they don't really give a **** about the panfish at all, it's simply a way to open the door. Sneaky .. And you are so right ... there were far from "thousands" out there .. goddness me!!!!! Such exageration, that's what causes the problems. Get real or hush .. if you can't tell the truth then just plain be quiet! Thank you Tightline, hope we can continue to share ideas .. that's when greaet things happen
And Dara ... if these folks take home a few hundred fish .. it's enough for a fish fry for a family. You'd be surprised how many one person can eat .. probably 3 - 6 fish per sitting per person, at least. Do the math. And are they taking them away from YOU and YOUR family .. hmm .. probably not. If you're Canadian, you probably don't want them anyway ....
Couple or three years ago, I was working at one of these resorts. Some of the guests had walleye over the size limit. Owner called MNR .. this was early in the week, when the folks would be there for a number of days yet .. and nobody ever came. When the owner called again asking if and when a CO would come out .. answer was .. he's on holiday this week. I was there .. saw it and heard it folks .. sad to say but 100% true. This is why I say you cannot paint them all with the same brush. And by the way .. that number of 500 was decided by a bunch of bioligists and scientists and mnr people and ofah ..!!!!!
Not sure how to do the fancy quoting that you do .... the 500 was the number that the MNF and OFAH and biologists and fishing clubs and stakeholders came up with in a majority vote. The 300 is a number that was pulled out of nowhere. Trout .. you are in Winnipeg .. how much do you know about our area? I think kitchen window tests and anecdotal evidence weight alot heavier than you think ... speak to Elders, on and off First Nations Reservations .. what I mean by that is truly, speak to your elders, those who've been walking the earth alot longer and have watched what has been happening over time. Many times, they are far wiser than the wisecrackers who make up our government and our laws. Big brother is all about the money .. the individuals are the ones who truly care!
Let me start today by saying that I agree with you, Islander .. whole heartedly on all points!!! Secondly .. I've been a busy Nanna over the last day or so .. I've called everyone I know on and around the lake, resort opertors and private individuals and I've read everything I can get my paws on .. and I think there is a rather large misunderstanding here. Seems that some things have been taken out of context (that were in print) and some things have been printed incorrectly and / or, again, out of context to what was truly said. Well, this could sure ignite a fire, now couldnt it!! So here it is .. in brief and in black and white from an old lady that's been around the block a time or two. This group (council) that was put in place to investigate what should happen with the regulations voted on and recommended a sunfish limit of 500. This was a majority vote. Biologists agreed that there was "no problem with quanity of fish, but sizes were down". The resort group feels that 500 is the number that should be in place, as it was voted on and recommended .. they ARE NOT trying to revert to the old regs of no limits!! The other question that I hear, if fish are in jeopardy (in any way) and limits are imposed to save them, then how can you open them up to a 12 month season from what was an approx 6 month season ... these two thoughts are in contradiction to each other and make no sense. Like Islander, I know that there are far less fishermen out there .. I do the kitchen window test .. I look out and I see .. less and less over the past 6 yrs or so. Being one who frequents our local casino, I enjoy numbers .... more fishermen catch more fish ... less fishermen catch less fish. Pretty simple math. And I know that I've been catching more and bigger fish year upon year for the last 5 - 6 years. So .. what on earth is the problem?????
Are you positive about this, Rick? Because that is not my understanding at all. From what I can gleen (keeping my ear to the ground, so to speak) the ones that I have listened to do not mind a limit but don't understand the limit being not what it was originally supposed to be, and then on the other hand opening the winter fishery. Quite honestly, having raised more than my fair share of children and now the grands, winter time is not the optimum time to show them the joys of fishing. Their little feet get cold no matter what .. and then the boredom sets in. And that's no fun. For anyone. It seems that the winter fishery is more the problem here. Only the local fells and gals are the ones that will make use of it. And some may abuse it, as well. I don't know but I still think some things should just be let alone. Let the poor old lady (lake) have a rest .. she's tired, like me. Nanna
Coyote grabs Pomeranian in Pickering area.
FishinNanna replied to fishinfool's topic in General Discussion
Oh dear .. thank you fellas .. I will be careful and keep an eye open, or better yet, both of them open!!! -
Well I must agree that a limit is fine. I also must agree that I am not in favour of the winter fishery .. to me it goes against the limits .. they equal a net result. Now, in all my reading, I don't quite agree with you that the resort operators are the problem. I'm sure they have had guests over the years that were glutanous, yes. But not every one is. And there are many catch and release people who again help to balance the scale against those who take more than their fair share. Again, we can't paint them all with the same brush .. agreed?? Perhaps there are a few resorts that operate as you say .. but there are also many that do not. I know a few people in this business and I know how hard they work and for very little money .. that doesnt seem like lining their pockets to me. The ones I know have their hearts and souls in their business and the last thing they want is for the fish population to be in peril .. it's their livelihood for goodness sakes .. can't you see that? They have invested their entire lives in this and they want a good outcome. I don't mean to argue .. I just think that you really must look just a litle further to find the real truth. Not all black and white, my dear. Thank you for allowing me to speak my mind .. and for listeneing and for answering my questions. Educating ourselves is the key .. sharing knowledge helps us all to learn .. and we never stop learning. Nanna
Coyote grabs Pomeranian in Pickering area.
FishinNanna replied to fishinfool's topic in General Discussion
Your photo, the fisher doesnt look that big .. my cat ws about 25 lbs. I've heard they like to eat cats. Needless to say, I'm not getting another kitty, or at least one that gets to go out of doors. Do WE (humans) have to be wary of them also? -
What do you mean by the recreational anglers rights and the protection of the resource .. please explain. I get the feeling that most people want to protect the resource but that you seem to be at odds on HOW to protect .. am I correct? Sorry if I am confused by this, but I truly feel you all have the same interest at heart but are coming at it from different angles and merely arguing the angle. Nanna
Coyote grabs Pomeranian in Pickering area.
FishinNanna replied to fishinfool's topic in General Discussion
Does anyone know much about FISHERS? Apparently we have them around and I believe it may have enjoyed my very large Maine Coon Cat .. -
I don't usually get on these things but after reading .. alot .. I have to point out that some of you seem to have broken some of your own rules on here. Thought you weren't supposed to be baiting and "boorish" and that there was to be no use of creative spelling. Hmmm .. correct me if I am wrong, but ..... Also, seems to be like there is alot of antagonizing going on. Is that necessary? Perhaps there is no real right or wrong .. and perhaps some of you wouldnt know the difference. Surely, there is a happy medium somewhere. I love to fish, have done all my life. And I look forward to introducing my grandchildren to the joys of angling. But I don't think everything is simply black or white. I think the children who are stomping their feet and throwing stones need to calm down and be somewhat more civil and thoughtful. We do still live in a democracy where we are allowed varying opinions .. but a little more manners would be nice to see. Now let's all enjoy this wonderful province and all it has to offer and let's share it ! Nanna