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Posts posted by bigcreekdad

  1. Personally, I think the manufacturers made a huge mistake doing this. What other producrs do we purchase that we expect to last a lifetime? I have heard too many stories of people purposely breaking a rod after a few years in order to get a new one. I myself have broken several rods ( car doors, windows, trying to seperate stuck joints etc.), never on a hookset, and I almost feel guilty sending it in when it had nothing to do with manufacturers quality. This unconditional warranty thing does nothing but drive up the cost of new rods. Those that take care of their equipment are the ones subsidizing those, like me on occasion, who are not as careful. Seems to me, if you break a rod thru carelessness, you ought to pay for that carelessness. As for lifetime itself.....how ridiculous.....I say 5 years, and prorated after one year.

  2. Let me know when your next sermon is Canuck. I agree with you on your likely poll results, but it does no further good to the lad to call him idiotic and stupid. He would, and is, calling himself the same things. However, it happened, and he has to move on with his life, hopefully with no long term damage. I was looking for some advice on whether there was a waiver of some sort, not a lecture. If you were as close to it as I, you too might move from anger to support.

  3. Unfortunately, a member of our annual fishing trip was stopped for a DUI a few weeks ago. Ironically, it was after a night of drinking with a designated driver in his group, but he made the bad decision to drive the mile home on a backroad afterwards from where they had left there cars. I know that Canada would typically deny him access at the border. Are there any options available for a short trip? Otherwise, we'll be looking at Wisconsin or Minnesota. Tough laws, and certainly warranted, but are there any temporary waivers of any kind. Obviously, he would NOT be driving across the border. Thanks in advance.

  4. I work part time in fly fishing dept of Cabelas in Dundee. When I get a call such as you made I make darn sure we've not only got it, but will ask when you are coming and set it aside under your name. I'm not trying to pitch Cabelas, as one of the reasons I do this is to never have to face the guy who has made a special trip for nothing......it would get ugly!! You are to be commended for handling it as calmly as apparently you did. I would have gone ballistic. You might want to consider writing a letter to store manager....you might get a discount on something in the future....they owe it t you.

  5. Of course they are. I grew up on Lake Erie and have been eating fish as many as 5 times a week since I was 6 years old, and still do. The only downside is that it costs twice as much for haircuts for my sons due to the extra head each one was born with.

  6. FRom reading posts on this, as well as other, site, it is quite apparent the care that is given to caught fish in order to make sure they survive the experience. I've often wondered why we all don't go barbless to further help the fish survive. I fish some for pike and lakers with a fly rod, and always pinch down my barbs, and I have seldom lost a fish because of it. Keeping a tight line is mandatory, of course. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

  7. Check out Mirage Outfitters. They are in Quebec. You drive to Rouyn Noranda ( about 4 hours north of North Bay), stay over, and fly up to Mirage main lodge next morning. They are primarily a carabou camp ( huge and modern--over 100 hunters in camp duing season), but started doing some fishing excursions several years ago. The main lodge provides fantastic pike ishing on LG 4, as well as brookies in some of the rivers around there. They also have seeral outpost camps with fishing for lakers, brookies, pike , whitefish and walleye ( not every camp has all).


    We went to main lodge in 2006. Our accomodations were darned near deluxe, and the food was cafeteria style, but quite good. WE primarily fished LG 4 for pike. We took guides, and as the wateris huge, we didn't regret it. I fished only a fly rod and caught great numbers of pike. In 2007 wewent to their Roz Lake outpost, which is on a river for which Roz Lake is the headwaters. They provide a camp caretaker who also guided each of us one day just to show us somespots, otherwise we were on our own. WE were a little early for excellent pike and brookies, but still had a blast catching lakers up to 12 pounds, brookies to 5, and a few pike in the 15 lb range.....all on a fly rod and much of it in or around rapids. We didn't fish Roz Lake for lakers, but I understand there are some awesome large fsh in it. Outpost camp itself was clean, well maintaned, had hot runnning water, gas stove and a woodstove.


    I don't remember ttal cost of each trip but it seems each was around $2500 allin.


    Also, I know some folks who run another Quebec outpost outfitter called North American Bushman. I've seen their pics and know people who've been there, and they rave about the fishing.


    I know you said Ontario, but the flyout base for both of these meets you drivetie criteria.


    Be happy to talk to youvia phone if you want more info.

  8. I think I mentioned before that I was thinking about getting a larger outboard for my Alumacraft Magnum 165. I presently have a 50 hp Yamaha 4 stroke. I noticed the specs for my boat call for a max tiller hp rating of 60 hp. Two questions:


    1) Will I really get much more speed going from the 50 to the 60 ( I get max of about 29mph presently).

    2) What's the danger of going beyond the 60hp rating for my boat?


    Thanks in advance for any advice.


    I'm still all worked up over that 54" French River fish posted recently......I WANNA GO BACK!!

  9. Don


    I can't tell you about the smallies around the lodge as I didn't fish for them. I do know thatothers were catching smallmouth, but couldn't tell you where they were. As I mentioned before, their inland lakes can have spectacular smallmouth fishing, and the one I fished was only a couple hundred yards walk from where you get dropped off. Email KurtDefcik atCrow Rock for more smallmouth info....he fishes bass tournaments up there ad was in the money twice this year. Something I didn't mention was the pike fishing.....I caught about 6-8 pike while fishing for muskie and none were lss than 30 inches, with the largest at 38". This is quite a difference from the upper and lower French from my experience where most of the pike I caught were less than 30".


    I found the cabins to be extremely well maintained....a step above Casa Blanca, and Cranes. Most cabins, from my memory, have screaned in porches. indoor plumbing ( ie bathroom) was on a par with a decent hotel, so nothing to worry about there. THe main lodge is comfy with a couple couches, several chairs, and a large screan TV. Being by mysef, I spent some time there and felt both comfortable and welcome.....staff were all very friendly. Outside of the main lodge are several chairs that are on the water. As for getting off island, there seemed to be boats goingback and forth to Kenora daily. Their boat guy handles all this, and I'm sure ifa boat isn't going, you can certainly request a lift.....they may charge you ( I don't know), but my point is that the option is certainly there.


    Any other info, let me know.....feel free to email me if you like at [email protected]


    Joh O'Neil

  10. Don


    On LOTW I stayed at Crow Rock Lodge. It's about a 35 minute boat ride from Kenora.A very good lodge.....very well maintained, excellent food, and run by the Defcik(sp?) family....excellent hosts. They also had good guides, and their boats are made for fishing......17' crestliners with 50 hp Yamaha 4 strokes. They also have boats on several inland lakes you can hike into.....I had onre day on one of them where I had nonstop topwater action n smallmouth up to 18.5 " on a 6 wgt fly rod. If I go back to LOTW I will definitely return to Crow Rock.


    I had over 20 trips to Casa Blanca over 10 years before going to Cranes 3 years ago. I quit Casa Blanca after Liz and Brian spilt up......my sons went yearly with me and sorta grew up with Liz's daughter, and Liz was quite close to my boys......felt it just wouldn't be the same without Liz and her daughter.....nothing against Bryan, he's a great guy and really turned that camp around from something pretty run down when they bought it.


    Got the recommendation for Crane's from Liz and have not been disappointed. It too is a personal touch camp run by Ed and Sue Crane. My son's ae both quite happy going there too, and the Crane's and their staff have gone out of their way making my son Jeff, who is developmentally didsabled, welcome there.


    As for comparing the water there vs. at Casa Blanca, I found to upper French to be a bit more picturesque, and there's a bit more water. However, the lower has some rapids you can fish, and these are pretty slick. As for the fishing, the biggest difference I have noticed is with the muskie.....on the upper I landed only 3 muskies in the 20 odd trips ( although my son Norm also caught 3 including a 47 incher), however in 7 trips so far to Crane's on the lower French I have caught 6 muskies up to 44", and have seen many others.


    Curious to hear about your trip to Casa Blanca.

  11. I have an 8 year old Yamaha 50hp 4 stroke on my Alumacraft Magnum 165. Been thinking about a larger motor. While I have no complaints about the Yamaha, I have heard good things about the new Mercury 4 strokes, and also about the Evinrude ETEC engine.


    Anybody have any opinions? Also, any idea what my 50 4 stroke is worth on a trade in?



  12. Just spent a week at Crane's on the French. Fishing not so hot. Weather was not the best for muskies......too much sun and too warm for September. Only had one half day of overcast , and my brother in law caight a 40" lunge that morning. I only managed one 34" muskie. Even the pike were pretty much closed mouth. On the other hand, spent a morning taking a break from casting and found a smallmouth hole where I had a hit virtually every time I lowered a minnow. Caught scads of them on minnows up to 16''......far from lunkers, but a lot of fun on an ultralight.


    Tried braided line for the first time (Power Pro 50lb and 65lb) and was quite pleased with it. Great feel and no stretch. Only downside is that occasional backlash is tougher to unravel than mono, but not that big adeal.


    As usual the accomodations, food, and hospitality at Cranes was well above average. Ed, Sue, and the staff really take a personal interest in you.


    That's it for me this year tripwise. Believe it or not, took 5 trips to Canada this year, my first year of retirement. Three trips to Cranes, one each to LOTW and northern Quebec. For muskies this year......2 in 30's, one 44", and my personal best 50" from LOTW. Not to mention, some pretty awsome brookie and laker fishing on a fly rod in Quebec. To sum it up.....pretty damn good summer! Kinda blew my trip budget though, and will have to trim back to no more than 3 trips next year.....still more than I should, but I figure it's better to do what you can while you can. Actually though, I can say for the first time that I'm a bit fished out.


    So, is fishing over for me this year?....not really....just the big trips . I will still fish the Au Sable River in Michigan thru November and steelhead in Vermillion River in Ohio.


    So....a lot to be thankful for this year, and my son will be home early November from Iraq .Life is good.....hope you all feel the same.

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