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Everything posted by DogBoat

  1. I totaly agree. I've owned a Kaw Bayou 400 for 15 years. It has limited (6+ inch) ground clearance. Part of me envies the ground clearace of the Polaris/Suzuki/Yahaha...... I just do not feel right with their centre of gravity. I've enjoyed every "trail ride" with a variety of Hondas. I know that their specs for ground clearance, towing, rack cload capacities seem very outdated - I'm P'd off with that and wish they'd grow up. Looking for what I am comfortable for now. Plus the 680 is the same weight as their 500. ../ B
  2. Hi Everyone - looking for some advise..... I'm looking to buy a new Honda 680 in the next 2 months. I have easy/regular access to dealers from Kingston to Haliburton to Niagara. I am looking for recommendations on deals (I've seen the ones posted on the honda web site), but also important is the best dealer for service, etc. What are your thoughts? ../ Brian (a.k.a. DogBoat)
  3. http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/lifeevents/wallet.shtml ../Brian
  4. Hi Everyone. I recently purchased a Garmin Colorado 300. Intended use: - Handheld for fishing to trailerable or ice fishable lakes leading out from the Quinte area - Bay of Quinte being my primary focus. I am torn on which lake map package to purchase: - The Bluechart US019R package for approx $200, or - The Inland Lakes package for approx $130 I really do not travel to tonnes of inland lakes (although I do travel regularly to the area around Bancroft to Tory Hill), and it looks like both packages cover Quinte, the Trent and Rideau systems (Inland Lakes, more..) which are mainly at my doorstep. Note - a good fishing map package could open up other fishing options for me. Questions: - What would you buy; what has more accurate bottom information; where is the best place to purchase for the price - I seem to recall Garmin sells online. - My main concern is bottom accuracy on the Quinte - if there is not much diff between the two, I'm aiming for the Inland lakes package, but if Bluechart is VERY much better, then that will tip the scales in it's favour. Thanks for all your assistance folks! And Happy Holidays! ../ Brian
  5. Wow, Lots. Sorry I don't post much, but I read lots of posts. I would love to relive all of these memories again. - Fishing rod propped over a tacke box as a rest, that ended up swimming when a carp took the bait as the dog walked by it. We still blame the dog for that (going back 35 years, with my dad). - fishing the "St Catharines Catfish Derby", in it's early years, and stringing numerous rods along the Lake Ontario shore line, near an outflow, propped in the sand, to catch carp using home-made dough balls made with jello and cornmeal, etc (30 years ago). - Hitting the local pier at lunch breaks on bikes, at grade school, to fish for a few minutes until having to return to class (in my youth). - Hitting the Saugeen and Sauble rivers, etc - trout fishing (learning to fly fish) - opening weekend (with dad, and the occasional truck problems - we had no clue what we were doing in those days - still don't <g>) - Fishing salmon with my dad in his boat, in the fall off of Bronte, and watching one salmon leap into the air to snatch a monarch butterfly (none caught - never a clue what we were doing...). - family vacations at various places, with many "memories" engraved. - Buying and building the northern moose camp with inadiquate boats and equipment (read: *many* mistakes - water access only) and learning to fish those waters - got it done, and some 40+ inch pike released this last year, and moose harvested. - Good times speckie and laker and bass fishing with friends around the deer camp spanning all seasons. - deer camp refit memories, etc (it happend here, it stays here...) There are many more events that occurred, that I would love to re-live. Cherish the moments as they occur, even if imperfect, as they will build memories that will be remembered forever. Keep living the memories. .. Brian
  6. To me it does look more like Elk than anything else. Moose usually fork further from the skull plate. as do deer. Here are some 2007 photos from the Bancroft/North Hastings Elk herd. Some of the released Elk have ranged far from their release sites, and they are multiplying. Also, some older restoration programs go back to the early to mid 1900's - but your shed does not look that old. Contact your MNR for more presice identification. ../Brian
  7. Just bought one last weekend there. About a mile from the feed store on the right hand side. Big white one with the bungs on the top. I believe the sticker on it said it was from CocaCola? Using for rain barrel for shower use as well. $20. There is also a dealer in North Bay just below the big hill - Airport road to the ease about a mile down. They were closed on Sat when we drove up but they listed that they sell barrells as well. I believe $30 each. ../ Brian
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