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Posts posted by wormdunker

  1. Wish I had a fishing report, but, been too dam hot here in southern Ontario. I just finished doing some welding & repairs on my boat trailer, next job is to paint it. Can u recomend a good quality paint? I've tried tremclad & armour coat but the rust eventually reappears in a short period of time. Approx a year ago there was a report on this board of a high quality 2 part epoxy paint available at a dealer in Hamilton. The guy stated it was rather expensive but lasted a very long time. A fellow worker reported another product. It's a spray can type of plastic paint available at Home Hardware. If you want to change colours apparently you can cut it with a knife & peel it off like a banana skin?? Anybody here use this product? Thanx for recomendations.

  2. I recently installed a new Carrier furnace & A/C unit. It has a variable speed DC fan motor which costs pennies to operate 24/7. Last months hydro bill was $57.00. House is 2200 square feet, A/C is set at 24C, very comfy. I have air vents mounted up high on the walls which draws the hot air from the ceiling in summer. I close these high wall vents in the winter to keep the warm air in the house. Furnace fan also runs continuously all winter long. Most expensive hydro bill last winter was $92.00. I expect to pay a little more on the next hydro bill due to the extreme heat. A/C hasn't shut off in 5days.

  3. Total battery in Barrie carries Trojan. They also carry a new eco friendly battery that will last 3000 cycles, weighs 70% less than most batteries. A normal lead acid battery will go through approximately 3 - 400 cycles. Now get this it's only $1,299.00. What a deal!!

    I figure with my $165.00 Nautilus, if I go through 40 cycles per season that normal battery should last 8 years.

    There's a real good read at www.batterystuff.com. Read their tutorials about batteries & chargers. It explains it all!! I just ordered the battery minder. The battery minder has an electronic process which eliminates sulphation of the battery plates. Sulphation is the killer of deep cycle batteries. Also charges at 8 amps, then reduces to 4 amps, then 2 amps as the battery requires it. Can't wait to try it out!

  4. Hey Roy it was about better deep cycle batteries. Nautilus seemed to win over all others from members replies. Although the post by Lunatic is very informative. It was approximately 2 months ago. In the post it mentioned the "battery minder". I'm impressed with the minder, thinking of ordering one, a little pricey but if it will save prolong the life of my batteries it's a good investment. Thanx for your help

  5. 3 Castles in Buckhorn is a nice relaxing resort. Lottsa nice scenery, they have boats & right in town should you need supplies. Fishing is good also. I haven't been there for a few years but the people that owned it are very nice. There's entries in their guest book from my parents during the walleye hey days of the 50s! Anybody been there recently?

  6. A short time ago there was a good discussion on deep cycle batteries. I attempted to locate it through the search option at the top right corner of the main page. No results after entering several different words such as battery, deep cycle, marine battery, boat battery. Am I using the search option properly? Could someone direct me to the discussion for deep cycle batteries?

    Thanx Good luck fishing this week end, I'm working??

  7. Stereo might still be OK. Do u have another pair of speakers (use house speakers if necessary) to use as a test. Even if u borrow a pair, then u will know if it's the speakers or the stereo. If the 2nd set of speakers don't cooperate then u know the stereo is pooched! good luck!

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