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Posts posted by wormdunker

  1. Thanx for the encouragement guys. It has been a rough road since I was fist diagnosed back in February. I've had 9 chemo treatments & 2 radiation treatments since then. For a while I had a hard time writing & typing due to the cancer affecting my left shoulder. A radiation treatment 3 weeks ago has greatly improve my typing skills. My neighbors & family members have been awesome - performing my yard maintenance chores. My wife is the best care giver a guy in my health conditions can ask for. She does absolutely everything for me. Now I just gottat show her some fishing knots! The staff at the Walker Cancer clinic in St. Catharines have been the best! They are very kind, compassionate & professional in every task they perform. At this point I am able to walk short distances with my cane & now we have the nicer weather I'm able to walk up & down my driveway to slowly regain my strength. Hopefully I'll be able to dispose of my cane soon & concentrate on improving the mobility in the rest of my body. I wish you fellow fisherman the best & you get tight lines as time passes. You wouldn't believe how anxious I was as walleye opener was fast approaching. Well I say there will be more openers in my future.

  2. Than for all of your replies! They are much appreciated! It took me a while to get back on the ofc board due mainly to weakness, also a 3 day stay a the the Cancer clinic did slow me down a bit. I finished my first 3 doses of chemo last Thursday after I was admitted due to getting a CADD pain medicine pump. The pump has been very valuable in controlling pain, as you probably already know priority #1 is getting out of pain & feeling comfortable. An MRI last week revealed The cancer is not in my spine. That was a major relief! My procedure is 3 days of chemo, then off 3 weeks until the next round is due. Then repeat this cycle. So right now I'm home resting. I have a health care nurse who visits once per day, to monitor my medication, a physio therapist is also assisting me at home, along with a health care company who has arranged a hospital bed in my home, shower seat, grab rails in the bathroom & numerous phone numbers of which health care provider to contact if I should run into difficulties. My team of professionals have been absolutely amazing! My wife looks after me as well as the household. The technicians, nurses, psws, home care workers & doctors are the best I've ever encountered. Their work is absolutely amazing!! My family members & friends have all been here for a visit. Their kind words & prayers are always welcome. I know you guys are also a big help in assisting me in getting over this speed bump in life. Good luck to very one as we will slowly be moving into the soft water season & tucking away the ice cleats & ice augers.

  3. I had the radiation prep done today, ready for my first treatment on Friday. At this time I want to thank the technicians, support workers, nurses , doctors right down to the volunteers who are all very valuable to our health care. I have had excellent care from all of the people mentioned above. The whole group is always on time with a reasonable wait time, are truly caring professional people. Our OFC group is a truly remarkable great bunch of folks. Your comments & replies have really helped me get through all of this. I have taken the time to read each response with care & compassion. I believe I have the last of many medical tests tomorrow. According to my schedule from the hospital it's radiation tomorrow, install the PICC line on Monday, then start the chemo on Tuesday. It will be chemo infusion 3 days per week for the next 3 weeks. After that treatment I don't really know what is next on the agenda. I'll keep you informed as I move forward. Once again thanx for all your input. Even if you just viewed my post & didn't post a reply I know you're at least thinking of me. Thanx


  4. Thanx once again for the encouragement! I had 2 more appointments to & 1 was with the radiologist. What a wonderful woman! The cancer name is Neuroendocrine. It is not bone cancer, but rather a cancer that started elsewhere & spread to my bones. They have yet to determine it's origin but don't forget there are still test results coming in, & also a brain & chest scan to be completed on Thursday. Tomorrow the radiologist is going to do a scan to prepare for for my first radiation treatment on Friday which will be followed by a consultation with my oncologist. By the way my radiologist is also an oncologist.

    Yes I do remember Sly & Slyville. What a wonderful man! His legacy will live forever on Simcoe.

    At this time I am very tired after a full day at the hospital, but before I leave - it's chin up,positive attitude, welcome all the advice I am able to!

    Also I do like F Cancer has a nice ring to it!

    F Cancer

  5. Thanx guys for all the encouragement & advice. PMs to assist me in the use of weed is definitely an area where I need help - never smoke a joint in my life till last Tuesday. 3 puffs, then I waited about 6 minutes & I felt better.

    Fish Farmer - Sorry I didn't call you before posting, but thanx for the kind words

    Fishburn - I'm definitely gonna check out the Rick Simpson video thanx

    Limey - I know your area a little bit, had a wonderful time on the English River. I'm already planning a trip up your way perhaps for the month of June. I'm planning ahead, but guess what? It's gonna happen!!

    Float n fly - Awesome story about your wife's boss beating this dreaded disease!

    Wooden boater - Guess what? I will be part of the campfire stories next June!

    Big Guy - I WILL BEAT THIS BUMP IN LIFE! 4 in 10 million, incredible odds. Losing your sense of smell & taste are minor detail as you are still on the right side of the sod!!

    Ironmaker - Yup I know I have to get the right strain for the right name of cancer. I'm sure I'll be getting the proper name in the next day or so. By the way that was a 30", 9 lber! I hooked it, reeled it in - You were the witness! LOL! Thanx for reaching out to our community to get advice on the use of weed. I never smoked but have recently toked a couple. 3 Puffs then put it out. I'm fortunate that I have a neighbor who has helped me out!! Awesome! Please tell me more about the treatment at Mt. Sinai

    There has been a tremendous response here which is great! I'm definitely going to follow up on them. PMs about the use of weed is more than welcome. Thanx Guys

    Right now I'm just waiting for an invite to Wabagoon via Limey's guide service! LOL!

    F Cancer

  6. Wow! I'm amazed at the support from our community in such a short time of my original post. Yes guys my plan is to stay focused, stay as healthy as I can be!! Wayne, they may already know the name of the cancer but I failed to ask that question. I'm sure you understand as I have a million other things going through my mind at this time. I want too stay healthy to watch my grand children grow up. Our grand daughter is 6 & grandson is 2. I have lots to live for yet!

  7. Thanx for the support Manitou. Thanx Wayne also for your thoughts. I knew you would get involved because of what you recently went through with your daughter. I don't know the name of it at this point. I have a scheduled MRI this Thursday on my brain (I warned them it might take a while to find it though)!! & shoulders. Tuesday I meet with the radiologist who will be performing the radiology treatment. Friday I meet once again with the oncologist & I'll be asking questions about the type of cancer. I'll keep you informed.

  8. Well guys, sad as it is I regrettably have to inform you I have been diagnosed with cancer last Thursday. I have had numerous tests performed by the wonderful staff at the Walker Cancer clinic in St. Catharines including blood work several times, Ultra sound on various parts of my body, 3 different CT Scans, Bone scan, & MRI. All of this info has been collected & submitted to my Oncologist. She delivered the results last Thursday in the presence of my myself, wife, daughter & niece. This week I'll be attending classes at the clinic to orient me on the procedure I'll be facing as I prepare to undergo kemo therapy & radiation. Right now the team of doctors have me on medication to relieve pain, deal with constipation & also steroids to help ease the pain of bone cancer. Until such time I play things day by day. Last August I weighed 216 lbs, 7 months later I now weigh 172. Lost 42 lbs, but I'm not overly concerned as this can also be contributed to a complete change of diet, more exercise, no desserts, no pop, no fried or deep fried foods & no alcohol consumption. Early December I was walking 1 km every morning & up to 2 km every afternoon. It was right near Christmas I was experiencing pain in my back, shoulders & kidney area. It was December 15 I had extremely sharp pain in my back & the appointments began. I'll be starting kemo Tuesday February 28 & I'm going to fight this dreaded disease - I'M NOT GIVING UP!! At this time I would ask our community if they have info that may assist me. PM if you wish. I have recently heard of a case where a patient with bone cancer was treated at a clinic in Vancouver whereby they use medication to rebuild bones. If you wish to share a similar story, I'd appreciate hearing from you. Thanx


  9. I would suggest you take a look at batterystuff.com Lottsa info on batteries & chargers. I have 2 Nautilus batteries that I charge with the battery minder from batterystuff. My batteries are 4 years old & still working very well. The bonus with the battery minder charger is after a full charge is achieved leave the charger running & it will automatically go into a desulpphation mode is now clearing the electrolytes off the lead plates which ensures your batteries will last longer. Cost for the charger was $150.00 3 years ago. Check there site - it's very informative!

  10. Very sad news. My condolences to you & your family. I never met her but always enjoyed reading her posts & viewing her photos. 1 post really sticks out in my mind was last year's G2G when she posted numerous pics of the wildlife she shot with her camera. Amazing!

  11. That sux big time! I deal with TD Canada Trust. If I shop on line or any where else & use my TD visa card or debit card the bank will guarantee my money is safe against fraudulent transactions. If this applies to you, make sure you still have your emails from that company they usually send when your order was placed,when it was shipped & any transaction numbers that usually accompany such emails. Good luck!

  12. Wow! Is all I can say. Most exciting game I've ever seen! My niece & her husband were here watching the game. He was talking various bets, odds etc. which I don't really follow. During all the pre game chatter I said about 2 hours before game time, I stated - DON'T BET AGAINST BRADY!

  13. A brain brace?? Now that is a good one! Sorry to hear of the pain you're going through. Joey's statement is bang on about operators setting up in Callendar Bay. Any good reports I ever read says the guys getting some nice walleye are with operator's who are set up on the south shore. Lottsa fish but many are under the slot. I believe you can only have 2 walleye over 18.3" in your possession. So, my way of thinking is, 2 fish over 18" for the frying pan is great. Catch & release the others is still a lot of fun!

  14. Hey Rick - probably a good decision you made considering your recent injury to your leg. I would like you to donate my contribution to a local fishing derby for the kids. Perhaps your community will be doing something special on family day. I know you will do the right thing. Good luck & dammit, GET WELL SOON!

  15. Hey manitou, If you come to my house - free lodging, free grub & a couple of guided trips are not a problem. Just wifey & myself at home now, so 2 vacant bedrooms! Oh, I have 2 beer fridges!! Just in case you get thirsty after a day of hauling in 7,8 lb walleyes! Perching is rather boring cuz they're only 13, & 14"! LOL! I just like to rub it in a bit. Keep your rod tip up! Sadly the smallies range from 4 - 6 lbs. My PB smallie is only 5.5 lbs!

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