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About Arty

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    North Bay

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. There are two types of sleep apnea, Central and Obstructive. They differ from causes. Obstructive is a blockage or collapse of the upper airway (could be from large necks, tongues, etc) and central is a result perhaps a neurological or central nervous system lapse. Both can be independent or mixed. Mixed is starting to become more and more common. The important thing is to continue to use the equipment. I have seen a great deal of improvement in many CPAP users. Generally the gov will cover 75% of the cost of the CPAP unit under a program called the ADP (Assisted Devices Program), Oxygen coverage falls under the HOP (Home Oxygen Program). Both programs are for Ontario. Again, The important thing is to continue to use the equipment. Hope this helps with some background info.
  2. Going to work in Sudbury for the week and looking for some spots to fishing from shore. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sitting in a hotel waiting for the next day to start is boring.
  3. I will be sure to give them all a try. Glad to hear there are some spots around North Bay. I went to Sturgeon Falls today but nothing doing at the train bridge.
  4. New to North Bay fishing and looking for some spots to try around the area? Any help would be great.
  5. Ha ha. I can't believe the Kijiji ad. Priceless. Beware of any Blazer for sale ad on Kijiji for awhile.
  6. Be careful out there. I walk out near this spot. Might be time to find a new one. Ha ha I saw the towing crew out there today. Here is the article in the North Bay Nugget. http://www.nugget.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2926575
  7. Hi Everyone Just new to the area and looking to try out Wasi lake. Wondering where I could launch my boat from and a few hints as well. THanks for any help.
  8. It's hard to find but I really like ANDE braided fishing line. 30lb has worked tremendously. Almost any kind of situation can apply. Bass in heavy slop. Trolling for Walleye. Even catching 25lb Salmon. This fishing line just keeps going that extra mile.
  9. This was a recent video of a sweet ice hut that a friend owns. It was on local TV Cogeco North Bay. What a cool hut. http://www.tvcogeco.com/north-bay/gallerie...-away-from-home On a side note, yours truly is in the FRABILL portable at the opening scene.
  10. Thanks for everything guys. I hope to get some good reports for these spots. Let me know if you are ever heading to Bay of Quinte area/Picton. I can try to help to direct you to a few spots.
  11. Awesome. Thanks for the info so far. I will have to keep the slot size in mind for sure. Can't wait for the fun to begin.
  12. Moved to North Bay in the Fall and very excited for the up coming Ice Fishing season, but where should I begin is my question? Lake Nippising is alot bigger than what I'm use to. I hear Callander Bay is a spot to try. I also have a portable hut (thanks to duckdog) and indeed I walk out to my spots. I like the exercise. Where could I park and launch? Family is also coming up in January for some fishing and I don't want to let them down. I am not looking for your "hot spots", though I have never kept mine hidden. Just some help to get started. Love this forum and look forward to any help. Thanks
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