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About walleye_man

  • Birthday 05/13/1994

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Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. Ok I know its a little over half way done with just a few weeks left before the ice starts to soften up I have spent a ton of time on the ice this year, most of the time has been spent chasing crappie with a few of my best trips ever mixed in! lots of nights where we were getting 30-40 crappie a night heres a couple highlights the occasional fish fry was had aswell heres a shot of the average deathwell between the slabbin trips i have spent some time on lakers and walleye as well With huge head shakes, and crazy peeling runs lakers are a fish that I totally got turned onto last season when Rj got me on my first couple! What a blast! also got out to fish walleye a few times on quine and more local bodys of water. Still havent iced my eye over 10 but I got some gooder ones this year with my favorite couple weeks of ice fishing coming up and us gaining another hour of daylight ill be out there lots! tight lines guys!!
  2. got out this weekend for a good brapppp found some biiiggg snowdrifts and totally sunk the 800 what a blast! BRAAAPPPP
  3. I have been able to locate some "safe" ice the past few days and put a smack down on the jumbo perch, big gills,crappies and bonus this year the largies! been pretty simple really, find green weed edges and fish a small tungsten jig with some sort of plastic and its game on! have been lucky enough to get out between 3-4 hours a day with the average day around 35-40 fish today was a blast where i had 5 largies within 10 minutes! here's a couple pics from the past couple days! was also able to get out to a new trout lake to me and try for a couple brooks success!! Be careful out there guys! everywhere i have been to check has been between 4--7 inches of ice but the bigger bodies of water are still a whiles out yet Have the next month off straight, somethings telling me im going to get some serious fishing time in on the ice
  4. it certainly isn't easy on gas i get around 150 miles to a tank but the way she pulls is definitely worth it i have had it to the bar more times then i can count, in perfect conditions with my fat arse on it my best pass was 112 mph not bad for a 600 dollar barn find and a couple extra tweaks to it
  5. here are my twins 1999 zrt 600 and 2000 zrt 800 love the power these tripples put out ! and my new toy to shred the powder with an 06 crossfire 700 snow can not come soon enough! BRAAAAPPPPP
  6. Rj and I have been spending our past couple of days on the water chasing those big toothy critters the roam our local waterways with the water cooling down quick we have really had to adjust our ways of targeting these fish from burning buck tails on top of weed lines to slowly working big plastic baits off the drops of those same lines. Our first days action starting with me loosing a big fish that ate my bait on the pause and ran straight towards the boat. By the time I was able to catch up to the fish and lock the hooks into the fish she was 15 feet from the boat and my hook set was a little less then ideal. After a few big runs and some giant head shakes she took one more run under the boat turned the angle of the hooks and that was that :shock: :shock: well that was definitely the lowest low of my season. After a couple of words to my self and a couple minute sit down I was back at it, another hour passes then twitch pause twitch twitch pause BOOM set the hook like I never have before and sank the hooks into a pissed off torpedo full of teeth OH REDEMPTION YOU FEEL SO NICE! And as the sun was setting we put the boat on the trailer and with a grin ear to ear all I could think about was the next day and how I could have a second chance at that fish. Day two With the weather calling for 45-50km gusts we decided that sleepin in a little wouldn't hurt flicker my eyes open around 9 am look outside and not a breath of wind... who hired this weather man anyway... we weren't complaining the least bit, jumped in the old chev and to the launch we go! long story short it was an absolute beautiful November day out there and after a few hours of casting the magnum dawgs i finally got that bump not the fish we were looking for at all but a musky is a musky, Ill never complain may have a couple more days on these fish hoping to get my giant soon 8)
  7. thanks guys! appreciate all the comments! and no Steve it is not, this is one of the guys that helps run the shootout series here in eastern Ontario
  8. Well fall has arrived and for me this means giant largies on the jig! with blast off at 8am it meant i was able to sleep in a bit on the water and pitching a jig on one of my favorite spots on the lake I felt that BONK... nothing beats that jig bite! wail the hook into her and within a couple of heart pounding seconds there is a near 6 pounder in the boat :shock: not very often you can start your day off with a fish of this caliber I WAS PUMPED! Trying to stay somewhat calm and keep it together I start flipping again a couple swing and misses, a 2 pounder and a 3 pound smallie I get that big bite again.... BONK! the loomis is bent right in half again and I see a giant bucket mouth coming to me again im thinking to myself "there is no way this is happening again" yup into the net and into the box a nice healthy 5.2 pound LARGO now were thinking to ourselves we need ONE MORE BIG BITE and with my partner slow rolling a spinner bait over the weed tops i hear the unmistakable sound of a swinging rod tip and line tightening up through the guides! I knew this was the bite we needed! out of nowhere this giant Canadian football comes flying out of the water and back in yup this is it! got her into the net and in the box is a 4 pound smallie :shock: this was just our day I guess! we fished the rest of the day trying to get rid of the 2 pounder in our box and just couldn't do it! didn't matter in the long run as we ended u smoking the competition weighing in a 18.76 bag! my biggest sac of fish in a tournament to date! We ended up with 1rst place and big fish weighing 5.86 truly a day I will not forget! And with a first and second place on this lake this year I may have a new favorite lake 8) im still on a high that im sure will last a couple more days of me shaking my head and giggling to myself GOD I LOVE FISHING!!!
  9. Took a week off work before heading back to college to do some largie plunking. it turned out to be the best week of fishing yet with numerous big fish making it over the gunnels of the old sea nymph most fish were taken on either a jig, a beaver punched through mats or skipped under docks or a wake bait in shallow water making every bite look like shamoo was coming out to eat enjoy the pics guys 8) I also had a tournament on mississippi lake last Saturday in the BAA club.. these two piggies helped us land a spot in second place with a bag of 16.04 pounds The best is yet to come!
  10. got out Friday on a couple of small back lakes i have been dieing to hit and as usual they produced some wicked fish for me! flipping jigs into the thick grass did it for me on lake number one with a ton of fish caught including a couple piggies then the wind really picked up sending me to lake number two. a much smaller body of water with no houses on it in the middle of nowhere! all our fish here were caught flipping trees! it was a wild afternoon with almost every tree having a fish or two on it! was pretty busy catching a pile of fish but the camera had to be pulled out for this one! cant wait to get back out on the water! untill next time cheers!
  11. Well I have been spoiled lately and have been able to hit the water every day since bass opened on saturday after work till dark.. weather has been awesome other then Monday :shock: and the bite has been just as good tons of fish flipping the thick stuff and just as the sun is going down the buzz bait bite has been great! I HAVENT THROWN A SENKO YET :shock: got this absolute giant last night in the pads! No idea on weight but she was 21.5 inches and FAT! :shock: :shock: just may be my biggest, really not sure enjoy and it all ended with the most unreal sunset out there tonight was good to. Tons of 2.5-3 pounders but no giants opener on the Ottawa tomorrow hoping to give the largies a bit of a break and streach the light line on some smallies!
  12. started out the bass season on a local body of water doing a small tournament. was a different system. two weigh ins of 4 fish each time. made it a bit more of a challenge as the afternoon was very slow and i was not able to put four keepers in the boat. fortunately the morning was pretty darn good for me and I weighed in just under 13 pounds finished in second at the end of the day only 3oz shy! and we were missing a fish! NOT COOL still had a blast with my bro and even though he didnt catch a fish all day ill still take him out Today I only had a few hours to fish in the am. make the treck to one of my favorate lakes and was on the water for 6 o clock! this lake has a seriously awesome flipping bite so it made for a great day and my ribs are bruised :shock: caught at least 50 bass with most being in the 3 pound range with a couple biggies here are my two biggest of the day unfortunately the lighting wasn't the best but you get the point! great way to start my season and ill be out ALOT tight lines guys!
  13. Made the first trip to the the tribs of the spring friday even after hearing less then stelar reports. After two weeks of not catching a fish i turn very grumpy so in other words I was sent on this trip. :shock: Couple suckers being caught, Meeting up with some familiar faces all in the peacefulness of a pool. Really can't beat it But some trout would be nice. Around noon it happened PLOP float down Fish kicked my arse. Got right into the current and just dogged Got her to the bank grabbed a couple pics and off she went to droop those eggs! First fish on the centrepin, as well as the first on a bead. Oh also my PB hen! And spotless too boot! Very happy with the day Cheers all!
  14. i like to fish these guys over drops or main lake basins. i use a vexilar fl 12 and suspend 5 feet up. you will see em roll in! the hot jig this season has been a tungsten diamond jig in glow white with maggots... enjoy
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