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Posts posted by fish_fishburn

  1. The Ottawa River up by Pembroke will probably beat the old record set in 1960. Isnt pretty it rained all night really hard and more expected today. I am close enough to see the river at the end of my street. I am about 6 to 10 ft above  the existing water level. Im heading out shortly to the sandbag pickup at the other end of my street. Gonna fill some sandbags its all volunteer around here people are amazing.

  2. If the lake is rocky find nice rock drop offs. Fish as light as possible a jig and make contact with bottom. I prefer to use a spinning rig light action 8-10 lb test. Drag on bottom, hop it or a slow swim back to the boat. They will tell you what they prefer. Watermelon or pumpkin seed my go to colours.. And scent them up.

  3. I have the same one. They operate at a cool temperature. Makes these smokers awesome for fish. 1.5 hrs is barely getting the fish warmed up. In the fall you have to put a cardboard box over it to keep the heat in.. Do your fish with the skin on. It takes about 8 hrs to do a full batch of salmon chunks with skin  down. I use about 3 pans of wet wood chips  2 at the beginning and one more halfway through the cook. Everytime you take the lid off to look it will take another hour to get cooking again.. These things cook slow. Sorry mine is the Big Chief, same thing just a bit bigger.

  4. I know my way around the kitchen, I cook a lot and really enjoy it. I recently ran out of things to do around here so I figured I would make some bread. Picked up the goodies at the store and ready to go.

    Now one of the reasons I am trying this is because I like Sourdough bread and have a hard time finding it here so I will make my own. First off if your going to make Sourdough you need to make a starter, equel amounts of flour and water and feed twice a day for about a week till you have a bubbling bowl or jar of naturally wild fermented yeast, Made my first loaf and it looked nice but had the density of a brick, it went to the compost pile. Next day I tried again, Loaf number two was better but I burnt the bottom again.  Something not right, Get a oven thermometer for third loaf to verify oven temp, Now I know I have a hot oven but never thought it would be off by 50 degrees F, I cut up the second loaf and fed the birds and the third loaf I processed into bread crumbs, Next day I try again and BOOM the nicest loaf ever, so tasty and a nice sourdough taste, I have made the Artisan style in my dutch oven in the oven and it works perfect as well. I have made raisin and cinnamon bread for my Dad as well as regular white bread, Im done buying crappy bread fot 3,50 a loaf at the grocery store, My next experiment is a loaf of jalepeno chedder, It was a bit of a rough start but I was determined to figure this out, What about you guys, any of you make your own bread,

  5. Yep there comes a time when we  all get to old to haul wood and carry by the armload into the house. I have been doing it since I was old enough to carry wood My stove is in my living room so its easy for me no basement stairs. I am 56 yrs old and will probably do it for another ten years or so. That's as long as the cost doesn't get much higher. This year I paid 300.oo for a full chord of red oak split and dried for a year and a half. I use three chords on average per winter.

  6. Big Hip fan here. So sad that Gord left us way to soon. The bands first 4 or 5 albums are the best in my opinion. CBC is sure milking this for all its worth, i'm sure Gord would be embarrassed by the whole deal they are putting on. Leave the man be. R.I.P. Gord Canada loves you.

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