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Posts posted by fish_fishburn

  1. The name callers are a big problem with society today. If you dont agree with them they call you names. Why, because that is all they are capable of. I suggest that people try some critical thinking if they even know what that means now a days. This is what happens when you dumb down society so much that we are left with genetically mature children can't cope. We need more adults.

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  2. It all seems so Orwellian to me. Were all going to die someday, so when or how really doesn't matter. CBC on top of things announced today that 190000 people from around the world have flown into Canada since Mar 11. Only 75 days late CBC. And this outfit cost the taxpayers 30,000000.00 a week. Sheesh. I shouldn't of been so hard on the lady driving her car alone with the mask and visor on she was probably on her way to see her shrink.

  3. I spend a couple days  at end of summer canning my own tomatoes, dill picles, and hot peppers (reapers and scorpion) I also ferment my hot peppers to make hot sauce. Fermented foods are very good for you. Making your own green relish for the year is so easy and tastes way better then the store relish. I use the hot bath method and really need to get a pressure cooker one of these days. 

  4. The pulsing on your pressure washer is because of air in the lines and pump. Hook it all up and turn the tap on. Hold the nozzle trigger down till all the air and hissing sounds are gone and you have a steady stream of water. Now turn it on and get at er. They also dont like to be running and just laying there waiting to be used. Your better to turn it off and restart when ready to wash.

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