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Posts posted by Jon

  1. I can recommend Island Lake and Fairy Lake. Fairy Lake is free to launch but the fish generally aren't as large. Island Lake has an entrance fee but the fishing is better and there are some pretty large fish in there. Both lakes have Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Black Crappie, Yellow Perch and Common Carp. Island Lake also has Bluegill and most recently, Smallmouth Bass. Island Lake can get pretty weedy and rough on windy days (relatively speaking).

    Good luck!


  2. This brings back memories. I think it was called, "What's Biting in the Toronto Area" and it was the first fishing chat board I ever used. Probably mid-90s. It was run by Andy Rubaczek (might not have the spelling correct) and the url might have been www.zoo.utoronto.ca. I think he was an IT guy with an interest in fishing. Super nice guy and he was active with the Metro East Anglers and Ringwood Hatchery when MNRF stopped running it.

    I spent a few minutes with Google but couldn't find any info or archived images.

  3. I have a dSLR with multiple lenses that I use for most of my photos and all of my long shutter or fast action photos. I have a long zoom point and shoot for distant bird and wildlife photos, a GoPro for underwater, a trail cam for stealth photos and a drone for aerial photography. Each has it's purpose but there isn't one that does everything. While you did say general, I think that leaves the field too wide open. As Terry asked, I think you need to be a bit more specific. Here are a few other questions:

    Waterproof or non-waterproof?

    Big zoom or not?

    Good in low light?

    What sort of accessories are there - i.e. can you attach a filter

    More for point and shoots but do you want a viewfinder or not? I don't find using the LCD very effective, particularly in bright light (think how well you can see your phone in direct sunlight) and my personal preference is to get a camera with a viewfinder.

    I'm guessing you aren't interested in a mirrorless or dSLR but those do give you the ability to expand your options without buying a whole new camera. I know nothing about mirrorless cameras so I have no comment on that style.

    Hopefully that helps a bit.




  4. I checked the FMZ16 regulations and didn't see any exceptions to the regular trout and salmon season for Etobicoke Creek (i.e. no extended fall or year round season) so I would say it is currently closed for those species until the 4th Saturday in April. Since there are no seasons for coarse fish like Creek Chub or White Sucker, fishing isn't technically closed, though.

    As far as the dam/fishway goes, and the charges from 2013, I am guessing it is the old dam on the Toronto Golf Club property. If so, I don't think there is a fishway there. There has always been a regulation about fishing downstream from a dam ("It is illegal to fish in any manner within 23 m downstream from the lower entrance to any fishway, obstruction, or leap"). I have always treated dams as obstructions and therefore fishing within 23 yards of them as illegal. And I my interpretation of the regs is correct, they were also fishing out of season so I'm surprised they weren't charge for that instead of the fishing below a dam rule.

    And finally, the photo is a Creek Chub.



  5. I'm thinking of upgrading to a Hero9 so I have a GoPro Hero5 that I would be willing to part with. No headstrap or remote but it comes with 2 batteries, charger, Telesin Dome Port and an extra dome and I could probably round up a few mounts.

    Here is a link to the dome - Telesin Dome


  6. I don't support this and know I'm in the minority on this site when it comes to this proposal. Regardless of whether this is a good or bad mangement approach, I think this will end up reflecting poorly on hunters (and to a certain extent anglers) as not everyone will retrieve what they shoot and uncollected birds will wash up on shorelines and beaches and then the complaints will start. Birds that die of natural causes will also contribute to the poor optics for hunters as people won't differentiate between culled birds or natural death. Gun owners already have their backs against the wall and I fear this will be more ammunition (pardon the pun) for the anti-gun lobby.


  7. I have an older MSR gravity filter, which was a replacement for an even older hand pump system. It is a great filter and I assume pretty similar to the one here. One small disadvantage is that the water in the reservoir warms up during the day whereas with a pump, you may get cooler water if your intake is a bit deeper than the water's surface.

    I would buy another gravity filter in a heartbeat rather than one of the hand pump ones.

    Here is the filter I have - MSR Water Filter



  8. 4 hours ago, craigdritchie said:

    John wrote for the Toronto Sun, every Thursday if I remember correctly, for many, many years. Before him it was written by Pete Sticklee (briefly) and Tiny Bennett, author of The Art of Angling.

    It was John Power (another wonderful guy) who wrote the outdoor column for the Star.

    I often regret the fact that we no longer have outdoor columns in the papers, even the online versions. Now that it's out of the mainstream media, it's becoming more and more of a fringe pastime ... something that's painfully obvious with every MNR budget cut.

    And I think Greg Clark wrote for the Toronto Star before they did. The Trout Unlimited Canada chapter on the Credit is named after him.

  9. From the province yesterday - "Green spaces in parks, trails, ravines and conservation areas that aren't otherwise closed would remain open for walkthrough access, but individuals must maintain the safe physical distance of at least two metres apart from others." The emphasis is mine but I'm trying to find out if this means fishing is also closed in municipal parks since anglers are not walking through.

    Ontario extends emergency


  10. If you are looking to go for a GoPro and interested in spending the additional money, I think the Hero8 Black is a fantastic option. I have a Hero6 and I find the frame to be a pain. The Hero8 gets rid of the frame and allows for additional attachments. Plus better image stabilization. If you have the ability to order/ship to the US, GoPro currently has a $100 off promotion if you trade in any camera.

  11. I have a GoPro but I don't find I use it like a normal point and shoot. I like to use my phone to frame the shot and then control things from my phone. Some models have screens but if you don't have a screen or viewfinder, you are stuck using your phone to frame the photo.

    I would suggest a rugged point and shoot, but the price will be a lot more  than a GoPro knock-off.

    Henry's Waterproof Cameras between $250 and $500

    Have a great trip!



  12. My go-to-store (Angling Specialties) has no roe and may not get any in before opener. I'm in Mississauga and was curious if anyone has any suggestions for where I could buy loose roe. I usually use Chinook since it is cheaper, but I would take rainbow roe if hard pressed.

    Hopefully this won't turn into a thread on the ethics/legality of stripping fish or that roe should be banned.

    Thanks in advance,


  13. I'm not sure exactly what your intended use is - filming yourself, others, above or below water but here are a few things I use. The clamp can be handy along a stream or in the woods but for a boat, a permanent mount may be better. For underwater stuff, I use a RAM adaptor with an Ettore painters pole. If you want to get fancy photos, try an over/under dome attachment. I have the Telesin model but it looks like there is some competition out there and I assume there is one for the newer GoPros.

    RAM Pole Adaptor

    Telesin Dome Port (Hero5)

    An extra battery and the double charger is handy. A chest strap or sportsman's mount may also be good depending on your needs.

    Have fun with the new toy!


    Chinook Salmon - Streetsville (12).JPG

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