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Posts posted by jbailey

  1. I have a bet with a fella at work, that says habs win in 4. Thanks for the easy 20 my friend. I think he said 20,hard to understand his french. :rofl2:

    He's not much of a gambler is he :whistling:



    Who is going to win the Hart? (Crosby, Getzlaf or Giroux) I feel its going to be Crosby, but I wish it either of the other 2 :wallbash:

  2. Curious to hear some peoples predictions for the first round..


    Boston in 6
    Pittsburgh in 6

    Montreal in 7

    Philadelphia in 7



    Colorado in 6
    St. Louis in 7
    Anaheim in 6
    Los Angeles in 6

    I would like to see Columbus beat Pittsburgh and Dallas to beat Anaheim, I just don't see it happening. Love the underdog stories haha.

    With these matchups I don't see any short series. I was tempted to say Colorado in 5 but I felt Minnesota deserved a little more credit.

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