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Posts posted by vinnimon

  1. You don't need a job...you can live pretty good off of welfare nowadays and you have plenty of time to fish :rolleyes:

    Does welfare pay more than EI?Can you collect welfare if your in dire need,that is if you own a home?Probably not!Just for the heck of it,Ill call them in the morning and ask them,just for a joke.

  2. When I Started out, I stuck with non union shops.Mind you Im not in the HVAC industry,but in the truck and coach industry. Im glad that I did because I had my hands on things that the union shops or dealerships wouldnt consider allowing the apprentices to do.I battled threw all of it, as an apprentice should, but I was ahead of most people.Looking back now I missed an oppurtunity to go to a union shop,money was great and lots of overtime and I was blinded by that, and didnt see it in the long term perspective.Stupid me,now Im looking for work!But Im also glad that I chose this route for the experience.I know for a fact that there will be a strong demand in trades,regardless of wich one.If you stick to your guns and work hard for it.You should be ok.just my 2 cnts

  3. Have you tried Hikers Haven in Oakville?I go their time to time and man they have some good deals.They also mark down their prices on high end gear, clothing etc.Alot of the times their cheaper then the big retail outlets.And alot more customer freindly than ctc or wallmart.Just my 2cnts worth.

  4. Regular fire tiger does not "glow" but it is obviously a very bright colour pattern, that makes the lure stand out. The goal of bait fish most of the time is not to stand out. These are also aggressive fish that are near the top of the food chain, so anything that fits in their mouths is prey.


    The reason salmon and trout don't feed on perch often as a lot to do with them utilizing different parts of a given body of water.

    True indeed.What baffled me is that at the same time you introduce 2 lures at the same time.Note that there are harldy any perch in the vicinty.Lots of shad etc.2 lures Side by side no scent,why do the trout or salmon go for fire tiger rather than something they feed on.Keep in mind that these fish are chasing the shads in to feed on, not the perch.But they go for fire tiger instead of the lure that mimics the bait fish.Both the same, J 13 except for colour and at low light or darkness.

  5. Yes and Yes I guess.But the guy who came up with it(colour combos) should get one big bonus.No matter what rapala I use in the fire tiger, or even a spinner.They produce fish,if not they surely attract them by all means.What baffled me was that a salmon or trout would go after something that they dont feed on.Peeing them off maybe or they look so darn good and they need to have it? :dunno:

  6. I have seen this personally and wondering why!Why are Salmon and Trout attracted to the fire tiger coloured lures,perch to me are not their forage fish.For instance, I go out casting or even trolling a j 13 rapala fire tiger at night or early morning(low light level)and at the same time a j 13 silver and black(shad?) is being used.Why is it the fire tiger gets the fish and not the other.I personally proved this last summer peir casting, both were new lures and no scent.I figured the silver one would give off more of a flash but the tiger hooked a salmon.Do they glow underwater? :dunno: I can see the bass,pike,pickerel and Musky, but trout and salmon? :dunno: Any view points would be great.Thanks in advance.Vince

  7. Well I went today and had a good time, But at the same time Im a little peed off at myself for not going to the fishing show and esp the G2G.Anyway I meet up with a few ofners there,esp one that I recognized by the touk he wore(thank you sir for the help),you know who you are.Well anyway my luck went south,a few nibbles at around 11 am and then nothing,nothing at all.Apperantly 1 pickerel and 2 crappy and 1 little measly smelt was caught.Most were dissapointed but at the same time enjoyed themselves as I did.Some sort of funny pictures to come when I figure this paste,post thing out.BTW thanks Steve,you did a great job with your tourney.Very customer friendly for sure.

  8. I have a Seloc manual but it only goes back to 1956. Still it might have some useful info. If you have a question PM me & I'll try to look it up.

    As for NAPA I have a Marine catalog from a couple of years ago & can look up some #'s for you. One note is that most stores will not stock the parts but can get them in for you. If in the Canadian warehouse 1-3 days. If it has to come from the US warehouse expect 2-3 weeks.

    Thank you sir, I will definetly keep that in mind.Barton auto also stocks marine parts as well as hamilton auto.I recently picked up a starter for my 140 mercruiser for $85 at barton auto same day pick up.Not Bad eh!esp after being qouted 250 plus for the same starter(both were new bosch units)

  9. Im in the same boat as you worm dangler.Morgage, wife, kids,Insurance.All the bills are adding up and today I found out there is a conlict between the record of employment and the notice I received from the employer.Talk about fustrated!!!I havent received my first EI check yet and the x :asshat: employer goofed up.

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