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Everything posted by Cowboy

  1. Sorry , but the hat does not fit me...
  2. Well , first of all , fish that are ''within days of dying'' are usually holding in areas such as a sanctuary (ex: the dam on the ganny) and are left in peace , for the rest , try to fight a 25 pounder in the harbor on a centerpin , a 13 footer , a 4-6 lbs test leader and a number 10 hook...Disgusting ? there's a ''few'' that would disagree with you. Tightline
  3. More details , he did not actually win the trip , he got it at an auction , value 500$ paid 200$ , so he expects 200$... By accident i deleted a PM from one of who left me is phone number , send it again...
  4. A friend of mine won a full day on lake St-Clair with Guide Bob Devine (Chartertalk guide service) but he can't go , if anyboby is interested send me an MP i'll put you in contact with him...Day of your choice but it has to be a week day. Tightline
  5. Ya man ! The Melia in cayo guillermo...an island a few minutes away from cayo coco , was there 3 years ago: service , food , beach... Top notch ! If you go there , take the jungle speedboat trip , they take you to a lagoon and you swim with thousands of fish...
  6. Ya man ! The Melia in cayo guillermo...an island a few minutes away from cayo coco , was there 3 years ago: service , food , beach... Top notch ! If you go there , take the jungle speedboat trip , they take you to a lagoon and you swim with thousands of fish...
  7. I'm right there with you bucktail , after months of searching and reading my choice finally came to a 42 LCD sharp aquos , but i admit earing great things about the Sony bravia
  8. i have 4 Accudepth that i use for musky , i had them for 3 years . Very good reels at very low price, i give it 2 thumbs up
  9. Worth the 3 hours drive ? or better bring my hawger
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