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Everything posted by skinny

  1. ok so was out in the ponds today fishing and had some luck . 9 bass 1 pike . saved a few to cook up on a later date . when I cleaned them one has shown up with black spots on the fillet tis was on the skin side .can someone tell me what it is is it ok or not . I baged up the spotted fillets on there own just in case this means they are no good
  2. ok hey be very very carefull doing the stashing . as long as he smokes them here he will be ok .If he gets caught taking them over the boarder the fine is 500.00 per cigar no matter how big. I know this because I was going to take some down to the states for a friend I was going down for the day and had 3 boxes of cigars one box had a guys address on it as I was going gift them to guys that had helped me out (us drop address and website building) I had no ida there was such big fines till they wanted to fine me for the ones I had they let me take them back to canada and stash them till i returned
  3. what colours are good fr this time of year i know few weeks ago there was a guy on the pond I go to that was using white tubes I have few pkg of tubes not sure if i have tube jigs (proper ones) i will have to look I really should get some pics of what i have cause i have a bunch of stuff I'm not sure how to use
  4. thanks for the suggestions. Gcd I have tridd stuff you have sugested in the past you are not wasting your time. i'm just looking for more clues to what I should be trying.
  5. ok it's looking like this Sunday might be my last chance to get out fishing for awhile. I would like it to be productive fishing and will be prob in the same ponds I have been going too. the temp in our area for sunday says a high of 25 and mix of sun and cloud lookin for any pointers for this time of year i will prob be on the pond by 630am
  6. skinny

    OFN hats

    cool stuff by chance wil they take paypal as my credit card is in the freezer
  7. so there we are out for a small boat ride (and I tossed a frog a bit) and we hear the geese flying in and bang bang bang I see one fall my kids were like what was that so I explaind someone was hunting . when did duck or geese season start really freaked me out
  8. after i have been out fish and manage to catch a couple (seems to be my limit right now) I get home and clean them. the the wie complains of the fish smell on my hands has anyone found a way to get rid of the smell
  9. I had heard of another pond not to far away that is supose to have lots of BASS in it. Well I got there put the tnner in and started to scout around. lots of lily pads,and the water was muddy looking (brown). I tossed a frog about 5 or 6 times then changed to a brown worm with yellow tip. the place is called little lake. i was thinking it might be a bit less fished just got to figure out what to use in it it was 230 -330 when I was out there and a bit of wind . had my little girl with me so couldn't get too serious she just wanted a boat ride
  10. ok on 24 south turn left just before the overpass (thompson r is left after the overpass after turning left just drive you will find the ponds i usally fish the last one to north if you pull into the little parking area by boat launch and there is green ford truck((super cab) parked i'm prob out there
  11. I'm fishing the one on the north side of Mechanic st . where are you coming from it will help me to tell you how to find the pond
  12. was ou today got out way early and started with top frog nothing then tried a buzz bait nothing tried some other top type stuff was about to call it a day and put on texas rigged worm and kinda messed a bit by the boat launce and hooked me 3 small large mouth . and i think a hit from a pike still not sure it wasn't just luck I tried the worm earlier in the morn a bit too nothing keeptrying I will get it it's called learning
  13. I would like to check out Angling Outfitters but can't find there hours on line or a website for them can someone post hours maybe or i might have to pic up the phone
  14. well was at the Waterford Ponds again tonight. i got there about 5 pm and off the ponds at 8pm . I didn't get even a atempt. i was tossing a texas rigged yum buzz frog then tried a buzz bait and spinners then a hula popper then on to some stuff that is under surface and no luck the pond was like glass saw few jumpers but nothing there was some other guys out there and they had no luck either next chance i might have to go out will be sat morn and looking for ideas on things to try
  15. the cauking tube full was under $13.00 now the other thing I would like to do is figure out a way to move it over the rocks at the launch area I lauch from out of my truck so the bottom gets draged a fair bit over rocks and now that i have some paint on the bottom of the boat I can see what area is getting the most damage might have to rig up a dolly or something that I can roll the front into the water then take the wheels off once in water
  16. as some have read my new to me tinner leaked after filling it up in the front with water I found it to be the keel rib it appeared the sealer that was used had gone hard and was allowing it to leak after asking here surfing the net and e-mailing shops I decided to go at it myself . the one place i talked to JandJ almost instantly said it's and old Springbok (think that is spelled right) and I remember once seeing a faint name under the paint on it so here is what I did sorry no pictures of the process 1. flipped boat over and with course wire wheel removed and buffed the seams that were leaking 2.once all cleaned and buffed I wiped it all down and dried the area with Lacquer thinners 3 went to Nappa bought a tube of windshield urethane sealer (this is the the stuff hold windshields in cars now) I think I can get a pic of the tube 3a. put down a tape line so i would have nice smooth edge when done 4. applied a bead to the seam of boat 5. smoothed out the bead while pushing into seam then let it dry (about 2 hr ) then got out the tremclad black and painted over the center rib 6. I then put the boat back in the truck with nose way high so I could get under and in the front of the boat there is a seam with about a 3/8 gap and that was where the water would enter so i polished up that area a bit and pumped urethane into it to create a plug like item job was all done by 5pm and at 7 pm i drove over to the ponds to test her out no leaks now i can start to have some fun with this thing
  17. hey there which pond were you in as I was down there trying out my tnner i was in the north pond I was solo and the top part of the boat is painted red maybe we could hook up sometime i could use some lessons or better ways to fish for bass
  18. ok I'm close to brantford or woodstock Ont but towards lake eire and i'm looking for a sealer called GLUVIT. I have found a place in kingston but would like to try the repair very soon as my time for fishing is runing out (back to school)
  19. i'm not so sure it's the rivet that are leaking like I said it apears the sealer has gone very hard
  20. no this wasn't the one that was supose to be the great deal but it wasn't a bad deal yet after the boat dried from my trip it was still in the back of my truck with the front hanging out so I started to fill the boat up to look for leaks. I found them i'm guessing that the caulking on the center rib has dried up because as you add water the more it leaks but seems it's not at a rivit location but inbetween them So next question is how do I reseal this looking for ideas and options
  21. ok so got up at 6am and headed to Waterford ponds to try out the boat and do some fishing I get there and have to wait for others to get in the water my turn I get un loaded and try to get going but we have some wind and i'm getting blown around a bit the old trolling motor that came with the boat isn't enough and looks like there is water at bback of boat. um should bail that. hey I know open up the orange thing I bought that has all the saftey stuff in it to bail ok bailed . hmmmmm wounder if it's the plug in the boat guy said it was new. back to sore and drag the boat to shore to check it's loose I tighten it and try to head out again . wind has gone and I'm getting some place things settle down I start to get it figured out and darn water still in boat bail start fishing and bail every once and while it leaks but you can bail it i also think it only leaks when sitting not when moving so how do you check for leaks or find leaks when it's at home was still good day got 2 bass in the boat and missed a bunch either i was going to fast or not paying attention
  22. ok it's a 12' and so far I have floating rope PFD's one of those orange tubs from ctc has rope light whistle and tub is bailer paddles incase i run out of battery I have been told is i will be out at dusk I will need lights even is just on local pond
  23. just picked up a 12 ft boat and trolling motor the motor is older but still working now I need life jackets and a paddle or oars (incase the motor fails) also what is the deal with the operators ticket other than a money grab wil i need one
  24. was at waterford ponds today for a bit caught a pike but for got the picture he was just a small one . got him on what it hink was a crank bait
  25. i havn't been able to get to the pond untill about 9am in the morn or till after 7 at night and I only shore fish at this time
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