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About SikkuDog

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  1. I gave up on Bronte a couple years ago - for reasons cited above... its sad to see actually
  2. We just got back from Drag Lake. It wasnt really a fishing trip, but I did take the canoe up with me and got out a couple times. Found a sweet smallie hole on south west end. Was literally catching a smallie every 2nd cast. Nothing huge, but my god it was fun... Found a drop off ridge later on and drifted it a couple times - which resulted in the 'big one' of the week... Nothing but rock bass from our dock. Had a great time!
  3. OFAH SikkuDog
  4. I've been following this post closely ... and personally, I love the fact that this has stirred comments and opinions on the topic that are wide and varied. Its clearly at topic that is close to everyone's heart and that isn't surprising given the fact that everyone that is a member of this forum is close to fishing and the nature/environment that surrounds it. Whether we agree or disagree with the concept of 'global warming', I still feel that the indisputable fact is that we - as human beings - are damaging the balance of nature on this planet. To think otherwise is putting our heads in the sand. Like I said in an earlier post, the movie is riddled with faults - the most glaring being the political slant of Al Gore. I am not an US citizen. I do will not be voting for Al Gore or any party he's involved with. And I don't think it's fruitful to even begin the discussion of Canadian politics on the topic in this forum. Politicians are politicians. But I honestly believe that that this is a topic that deserves the attention of all of us and as much as I hate to admit it - demands the attention of our elected leaders in Canada (and globally). Forget the movie for moment - think about this issue. Stop and ask yourself how our fishing environment has changed in our lifespan and what the logical cause of that is. And then what we can (and must) do about it. Trevor Butcher (aka 'Sikku' - my beloved and recently departed Siberian Husky)
  5. "Hooks and Lines – An angler may use only one line, unless otherwise stated in the Regulations. Two lines may be used when angling from a boat in parts of the Great Lakes (see Exceptions to the General Regulations) and for ice fishing in many areas (see Ice Fishing, page 5). A fishing line must not have more than four hooks attached. Where an artificial lure is used, each double or treble hook attached to it is considered to be one hook. In all other situations, a double hook counts as two hooks; and a treble hook counts as three hooks."
  6. TennesseeGuy : I completely agree with your notion of not blindly believing everything we read and hear ... Researching, filtering and coming to our conclusions is imperative for a truly educated society. The movie has lots of faults - the most obvious being the political Ad that Gore tries not so subtly put past us... However, the core message (in my opinion) is still based on facts. And I truly believe we need to learn from the facts and start acting on change. I say this not as a statement coming from a Greenpeace tree-hugger, rather a conservative business supporting person that loves nature and the wonders of our world. Like you, I encourage everyone to research this topic themselves. Make a decision for yourself. And then act http://www.davidsuzuki.org/Climate_Change/...ce/Skeptics.asp
  7. Lake Ontario Chinook
  8. check out this link... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0%2C%...69350%2C00.html
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