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About jpmclean

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  1. Got my shipment today - in a nice little box that fit in the mailbox at my condo (which is helpful cos i hate goin to the p.o. when im not home) Billing info is right on box and there was ZERO customs fees GOLD! Have a good weekend everyone!! (ordered Bandit 100 baby bass, 200 crawfish orange, Bomber BD4F fat free fry dances fire tiger, and X9255 Zara Spook Natural Leopard Frog)
  2. Havent recieved my order yet considering it only was placed today - but i will say so far the customer service from this place is fantastic. I asked about some Rebel lures and they emailed me back a few hours later with answers and such - i dont ever remember getting that sort of help from any other store - could be a winner here! especially for someone like me who doesnt have a vehicle very often and cant make it to a fishing store very often!
  3. It will also affect things like RENT which they expect will have to go up on average between $180 and $300 depending on rent costs and how things like your insurance is set up through the landlord/corporation and how they will have to pay for the added expence for them also. It will affect Mortgages and Property Tax as well as far as i understand from what i've read into the subject We definately all get screwed with this new tax.
  4. Just ordered some lures myself - if anyones interested in what the exchange rate is like today $21 turned into $22.50 when i used Paypal to make my direct payment! Maybe if we get a few orders in we can get an OFC coupon code at some point!? no harm in asking i guess
  5. Mostly smallies - typically you'll hit bass and trout there especially in teh smaller pools near Petro Canada Park. If you feel like wandering upstream you might find a few better pools. If you're fishing near the bridge its hit and miss really some days i see people there for hours not even getting a bite. Worms work well in the deeper stream there otherwise i just use top baits around the reeds and such. I was thinking of heading up to Milton to hit up Kelso if you are interested in tagging along give me a shout
  6. I'd have to agree on this one too I have had nothing but good times using the Rebel "Crickhopper" Amazing action. Gets some larger fish sometimes too - just throw it at the reeds and boom!
  7. I was in the same boat last night fishin from the shade into some pools - couldnt get a bite for an hour or so so I switched to using a crickhopper (grn) and also one of those mimmic minnows and i went from catching nothing to catching some decent bass almost immediately.
  8. Yeah i'm familiar with it - Frank there always helps me out with good advice I'll try and give it a go. I heard somewhere that Walmart might even sell them (tho id much rather buy local from B/Outdoors but Walmart is open late and sometimes i can get a vehicle after 8pm if the wife gets off work early) Thanks!
  9. Greetings everyone - came across the site tonight when i was just doing some research on some bait and love the place so far (been cruising through some posts as a guest for an hour or so) Typically i fish at Bronte Creek - mostly upstream from Petro as i live right at Bronte/Lakeshore. I used to fish as a kid but took a 10 year hiatus so i might as well be a newbie again plus i was fishing in England. Quick question if anyone can help that would be appreciated: Where can/should I get my hands on some Senko's in oakville? I wanted to try them out on some bass this weekend. Anyone know of a store i can grab them from? - or even better anyone had a good time with them around bronte? (Or should i try GULP?) Thanks so much! Joel
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