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Everything posted by bubblez

  1. didnt catch or see any carp again today afterwards i threw around a senko and caught a really small little smallmouth. As i bringing it outta the water it wiggled a bit and the hook came loose and it fell in a crack between 2 rocks :S. I tried to get it out but then it just flipped around and went deeper down into the crevice. An idea what i coulda done in that situation? Felt kinda bad at letting the fish just die like that. (the rock was too big to move lol) Anyhow smthin interesting happened after 30 minutes. A muskrat (it came right up beside me lolz) came and went into the crevice, do they eat fish?
  2. lol i was thinking of throwing it upstream but i was like wutever and just tossed it anyhow saw one go by last week lol, havent seen one since, which might be a bad sign XD ill give it another trip or 2 for rest of this week and see what happens
  3. went out after lunch for a little bit, kept my drag loose stuck my rod in a rod holder thing and read a book LOL, doing pretty much wut rich said. Checked it periodically, didnt get anything for bout 2 hours, threw an xrap around for a little bit and went home. Went out again after dinner since rich had suggested evenings, anyhow, didnt have any luck either, although i saw something swimming in the water, looked kinda like a beaver or otter or smthin. Anyone know wut mammals are native to the grand? kinda curious (tried to snap a pic but it kept going underwater whenever i tried and it was gettng dark). Anyhow tossed rest of my corn out as far as i could, ill prolly give it another shot tomorrow at the same spot. One question tho, since there is a bit of a current wont the corn just get carried away? :S Bubblez
  4. i live in waterloo so ive been going to a spot near my house every evening since im on summer break with nothing better to do caught a 2 smallmouth last week, then ive gotten nothing past few days and people keep telling me theres tons of carp in the river (im near a spot called the kaufman flats or smthin) anyhow im wondering wuts general setup to fish for carp in the moving river? wanted to give it a shot, and also if theres a time they are more likely to bite? Thanks alot Bubblez
  5. I used to go to a bridge on route 14 at a place named bridgenorth, pretty calm and nice place to spend a day, on one side you can sit down on the side of the bridge (its on the lake) theres a ton of sunfish there and i've had some luck with bass on minnows and on the other you can walk down to under the bridge and theres a good mix of everything depending on what time you are there. p.s last time i went was a couple years ago and there seemed to be more and more people every year so it might be a bit overfished :S
  6. i like bomber and of course rapalas i picked up one of the bass pro shop brand cranks, didnt seem that good to me though i mightve done smthing wrong (they do look nice tho, prolly why i bought one)
  7. cool pic can anyone make out what kind of fish that is? kinda curious
  8. hey im new to the forum too I'm in the waterloo area, just finished high school so im on summer break with nothing to do so i figured i would get some fishing done, though i just started fishing here too so i dunno the area very well, gimme a pm if u wanna go fishing almost anytime is good for me (i live around bridge and lexington)
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