i found out that gar pike easier to catch with live minows. there are tons of them in grand river. and you set it the same as any other pike.... wait up to 10 seconds, let it spin the minow in the water, and then set. can't miss. problem is if you fish in the water that has bass and pike. with bass you have to set right away. if you have the pike, most likely you will miss it.
about 2-3 weeks ago, on grand river, by caledonia damb, gar pike came in in huge school.... cant say for sure, but more than 50 of them. they scared all the fish away. and didnt bite itself. ruined our day.
gar pike is not a good fish to eat. meat is very dry, big scales to clean.... pure pain in the butt. basically, its fun to catch, and i guess thats the most important.