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Everything posted by shurik_muff

  1. thanks fot the repplies.... good luck for all
  2. i found out that gar pike easier to catch with live minows. there are tons of them in grand river. and you set it the same as any other pike.... wait up to 10 seconds, let it spin the minow in the water, and then set. can't miss. problem is if you fish in the water that has bass and pike. with bass you have to set right away. if you have the pike, most likely you will miss it. about 2-3 weeks ago, on grand river, by caledonia damb, gar pike came in in huge school.... cant say for sure, but more than 50 of them. they scared all the fish away. and didnt bite itself. ruined our day. gar pike is not a good fish to eat. meat is very dry, big scales to clean.... pure pain in the butt. basically, its fun to catch, and i guess thats the most important.
  3. try frying white bread in oil with vanila. you can add some corn ass well. its gonna atract tons of carp.
  4. little lake is completely fished out in the past few years. 3-4 years ago you could easily land 2-3 pikes in the 30-35'' range, plus the usual little lake pike size. this year my dad went, they catch 50 plus pikes, less than feet long... in a few hours. maybe a few just over a feet long. looks like no more little lake fishing in the next 3 years.
  5. man, this is by far the tastiest fish in this world. who tried it, knows what i am talking about. 2 bad is not a keeper. great catch...
  6. does any one have idea how is the fishing in the mouth of humber river? i am interested in nice size pike and bass. thanks
  7. My favorite spot is 1 hour from toronto. dumb at town of caledonia. near indian reservation area. just a few weeks ago i had 2 nice pikes from the shore..... 38'' and 40''. for me thats a nice size fish from the shore. also tons of small mouth bass, up to 4lb. ocasional nice size walleye. been going there often last year, but since i have a boat now, i stop there once a month at most, when i need sigarettes:). in that place you wont have a day with less than 10 fish landed.... bass, walleye, pike, sun fish, crappie. if you have fishing suit, you will have a beter day from the water, under the dumb. how to get there? just type caledonia at google maps.... should be less than 90 km.
  8. My father been going to simco often this year. every trip ends with 8-10 whites landed... and up to 5 lakers. all are big size. i just dont like deep water fishing myself. maybe becasue i dont eat that fish:)
  9. actually musky would be the main atraction for me as well:) just dont want to end up like my last 2 fishing days on scugog, with 0 bites, and 6-7 hours of trolling. thanks for replies guys
  10. Hello guys. this is my first post ever.... I will be going on my first fishing week long trip on pigeon lake, for bass opening. never had the oportunity to fish in it.... so, have no idea what to expect. i heard from a few fellow fishermen, thats its one of the best in the area... including buckgorn and stergeon. if any one can give some tips for this time of the years, would be great. i always had luck with bass and pickerell, but in known lakes and rivers. regards, alex PS this is by far the nicest fishing site i saws on the net. great job
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