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Posts posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. well the service that is lacking for elderly is a taxi service to drive them to the dr office or grocery store and help them out while you do it. Help walk them up stairs and open doors etc.... you woudl need a handicapped van or something of that nature as well. there is a huge market for this kind of service just trying to figure out how to make money while you do it is the key.



  2. i agree with randy from sturgeon.


    I would like to ad that last year on the south shore I fished a total of 14 days. I did not see one CO the whole time I was on the water and I have not seen one for about 8 years on the south bay where i spend most of my time and most of my fishing is high pressure times such as long weekends opening dates etc.... I know they do get out there but i surely dont see them. I know its busier out by callandar and out front of north bay but they need to control the whole lake better then what i have seen.



  3. i heard that the the gull islands around south bay has been producing some good numbers of small walleye but nothing big. Lots of perch in around the waltonian reef area. Out front of north bay has been good as well but i hear the walk is trecherous out there. talk to an operator befroe you go out though as there are some nasty pressure cracks out there apparently.



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