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Posts posted by Banger68

  1. First let me say I think she is being a total peaker head ... but.


    I have a place just West of Durham and the Main Saugeen goes through. I enjoy talking to the fisherman that come through (not many come down that far though) But I have had a few small problems from people fishing from shore when we are not there. I've had my shed broken into for lawn chairs to use, beer bottles and bait containers left around (breaking some bottle too), making fires along the shore (where my kids play) when I have a fire pit 20' away. With her place close to the hwy, they probably get more of this. I'm not trying to give her an excuse for being a jerk, but I understand why she might be like this.


    If somebody came to me and asked to fish, I wouldn't say no. Just try asking.

  2. Banger, the reason the Spirex doesn't have continuous anti-reverse is the whole trigger cast thing. It needs to re-set to the point where the trigger thing can pick up the line.


    Makes sense. Personally I'll do away with the trigger and keep the constant anti-reverse.

  3. I went to the buy the Spirex. But when I went to BPS I found that it didn't have constant anti-reverse. Thought that was odd for a reel in this day & age. I ended up getting a Pflueger President that has been good so far.


    Where did you find a Spirex for $45?

  4. I took my son out for a little pike fishing this weekend. Loaded up the 12' tinny headed for Robson Lake. It's a small lake northeast of Durham on the Bruce pen.


    On the trip up I'm explaining what a pike is and his eyes keep growing bigger. I think it was in fear, not anticipation. :rolleyes: LOL.


    We get out there and starting throwing the same as I was catching with up in Parry Sound ... nothing. So, I put on a big sucker minnow under a bobber for him. Well we didn't have to wait for long and the bobber went down with enthusiasm. A couple reminders to keep his rod up and he brought in his 1st pike. I wasn't bad at about 20". I'm kicking myself for not getting a picture. He had another one on a couple minutes later but lost it. When he brought the minnow in (what was left of it anyways) he piped up in a loud voice "what happened to him?!". So,"remember those teeth" I told you about.


    Soon after some gloomy clouds started coming in so I called it a day. But he had a couple good stories for his Mom and sister about the strong Pike and the mushed up minnow.

  5. I was up at the Boss's cottage the other weekend Pike fishing. It's a small lake just norteast of Parry Sound (forgot the name ...again)


    Went out Sat morn and he was killing me. He caught 2-3 Pike and a couple smallies and I caught one small fish.


    Went out again Sun and I'm trying to figure out what he is doing different. I tie on an almost identical white Rap with a red head ... instant success. None of the fish were huge, but fun. Then the darndest thing ... it started to snow ... on May 31st! What wacky weather we are getting this year. We caught about 8 pike in 3 hrs.






    Good trip. I threw spinners, spinnerbaits, and other shaped Raps. All they seemed to want were the light body with a red head.

  6. I have a pair Crappy Tire that I bought 3-4 years ago. They are the all brown ones and I beleive they were $119 regular price. They have been durable and relatively comfortable. I got an extra boot size up so I can put on my woolies in the cold weather. They are fine in the cold, but a little warm in the summer. But not bad when your in the water though.

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