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About Raddi55

  • Birthday December 30

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  • Interests
    Music...lots and lots of music...
    Hockey...lots and lots of hockey...
    Fishing...lots and lots of fishing...

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  1. Wow, I didnt know they had llunge that big in super mario world! she's beautiful though!
  2. I went first thing before class this morning to grab some of the spinners...On my way I was thinking of sitting in the car for a few minutes until BPS opened...you know...so not to look like I was JUST DYING TO GET THOSE LURES!!heh...but when I arrived around 8:50 or so, there was a lineup from the doors almost to the parking lot...wasn't expecting that, though I probably should have. i was kind of pressed for time, so I picked a few lucky colours, escaped the frenzy and went on my way...Apparently there were more than a few guys that grabbed 10...threw 'em in the car...came back, grabbed 10 more...and so on. A few brought their wives to "buy 10 for themselves"(good call, gentlemen). I saw one guy carrying around a basket FULL of them, looked like 100 of em! haha (I wish I could have seen the look on his face when he got to the checkout and was told "10 per customer" Anywho, on my way home from school I came back to meet a buddy there around dinner time. Nothin' left but some white/chartreuse Super Stainless/T-2'S and the odd Pond Hopper. In hindsight I wish I grabbed more T-1s instead of the SS's this morning (better buy and I reckon the SS's wont last long in pike waters)...but hey, at 2 bucks a pop, I guess I can afford to bust a few this summer. Gettin' the itch...
  3. Just an FYI for anyone interested in the old Supreme XTs. I was at BPS tonight, I wanted to pick up the 9030XT but they sold out this morning. Looks like they still have a good number of 9035 and 9040 models though..I resisted temptation...but now I'm kind of kicking myself for not letting my impulses get the better of me for once...oh well, Spring classic is comin' up fast... That or I may have to boot back down to Vaughan after class tomorrow..
  4. Yeah wow whata night, I went over to BPS to pick up a few leaders for the weekend and ended up spending 80 buck....doh!!! anywho I heard a bit of thunder outside...just another summer storm right? something felt weird about it it wasnt particularly dark....not like a few weeks ago anyway... but there was an odd calmness at times inbetween downpours... I got into my car and turned onto a very busy jane st. Crawling along finally getting to the major mac lights and i looked to my left and theres this oddly pointy cloud behind the trees lining wonderland....it was one of those "hey that looks like a tornado but probably isnt one...right?" kinda situations...i rolled down my window and looked up and saw the clouds were all spiralling inwards to that suspect cloud and upon closer inspection you could really see the rotation in that cloud that was indeed the funnel forming. stuck in traffic...tornado comin at you...what do you do? i certainly wasnt going to be THAT guy to run from his car first when im not even positive if what im seeing is real (you just dont expect to see such a thing lol). nobody around me even seemed to notice what was going on. the light turned green and i sped out of there towards the farm lands of jane back to king city... one oddity i noticed was that while driving away the wind wasnt blowing in my car with the windows rolled down...it was being sucked out. i suppose that was the beginning of the events that transpired afterwards. not something you hope/expect to see in such a populated area.... ill remember this day for a while.
  5. Oh dear. My pops and i actually managed to get out there on Scugog from 7:30-10:30 before we called it a day. We rented a boat from Goreski's and braved the cold winds for a few hours. the little 9.9hp was about as effective as rowing in those winds.. We basically took the boat as far out to the middle as we could and let the winds throw us back into the bay. we managed to catch a few crappie and perch. my dad had a very nice fight with a chunky muskie no good pics though as the fish did not come out of the water, netted and quick release. (just a few splash action shots lol) that was enough excitement for us on a day like today. hit the shore grabbed lunch and headed home.
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