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Posts posted by douG

  1. I took some pay from the grocery stores in Peterborough about 35 years ago. It was good pay then, and I bet it is still good pay now. Trimming lettuce, celery, cabbage, bagging oranges, unloading freight, culling displays. I even remember a 5 c / lb loss leader on bananas, and catching a semi trailer worth of watermelons, piece by piece. That's why my arms are so long.


    I got that job by asking for the manager every Thursday for a month, with resume in hand. For jobs like that, that technique works.


    Good Luck.

  2. That was a fabulous response, Lew. Keep on doing it, pls.


    I've seen videos of the line/loop method, but I still don't get it. How do you shield the barb with a length of line? Maybe something else is happening but I don't get it.

  3. You be sounding like a project engineer to me, with juice in the Civil Engineering discipline. See what you can do to transfer your BSc stuff to Professional Engineer status in Ontario by contacting http://www.ospe.on.ca/. That will help tremendously in opening doors.


    I won't do your stuff for you, but I will gladly spend some time on

    • welcome ( I live in the Toronto area)
    • Attitude Adjustment
    • FAQ Fishing
    • FAQ Toronto
    • Telling you what I know about Engineering in the Toronto area
    • Providing an alternate contact for the embassy
    • Providing contact to Gerritt, who has a lot of experience in your field. Tinbanger will give you the lay of the land too. HeadHunter is an employment salesman, a facilitator as it were, with contacts.


    Don't expect the red carpet these days, especially in southern Ontario. I hope you can travel or relocate. PM me if you would like more information. I wish you every success. Let me know what I can do to help.


    I think that anyone that can jump in with both feet like this has cojones, and gets respect from right minded folks. OFC has some resources for you, just ask.

  4. I bought gear for a while, most expensive single item was less than $225. Then I decided I oughta get dressed, then bought a Nautilus 1000 floater one piece, and the BP 100 mph goretex suit. The bps suit pushed the record upwards, but it was worth the cheek chewing.


    If you're not warm and dry, it's not fun for me.

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