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Everything posted by johnny13

  1. i got a nice boat its in mint condition were thinking of selling it. :|
  2. heres a laugh.
  3. hey mercforever youre the closest guess out there to guess so if u really wanna know where these were caught then P.M me... keep ur bobber on the ice
  4. Awsom guese, as said keep crankin up the volts ;)
  5. yaaa lots of relatives these brookies were caught in cape breton highlands on lake "X"
  6. mercforever ur really really crankin up the volts!!! keep ur bobber on the water
  7. bigugli r we talkin about the same park?
  8. its not margaree. ur gettin close EH dont forget to keep ur bobber on the water.
  9. good guess bigugli on the raven haven. r u from down east keep ur bobber on the water
  10. Any one want to add some comments ? i did alot of work to make this thing/ pics work.
  11. thanks Dad they tasted good eh lets go back to lake "X" well dont crack ur bobber eh.
  12. hey kicking frog the trout season in NS is fantastic, but u gotta be willing to take afew misquitos and black flies to the 4head. LOL
  13. Hey it's Johnny from Burlington im new to this board and i thought i would share some pics of brookies my dad and i caught down in Nova Scotia at lake "X" i hope u will enjoy. http://s582.photobucket.com/albums/ss268/Johnny13_photo/ keep ur bobber on the water
  14. Nice Brownies.
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