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  1. The dock at the public boat launch and the area behind the library on the BOG were on fire for crappies. try here if you don't have a boat. But remember as already stated the 7a causeway is a sanctuary
  2. Mr. Brown Concerning your true knowledge of what is probably taking place on the rest of the Kawarthas lakes during the day or yes after dark, or anytime when you're not out there or hidden in your clam, or what takes place in the future........................ AMAZING.
  3. Ron - we agree to disagree for the most part. Poaching is poaching but allowing people to ice fish for panfish is going to allow for more poaching. You are going to put their hand in the cookie jar. It is impossible to say all walleye are done by end of April as water temperatures/levels have a big role in this. They are all but done at the Talbot. And on Scugog you can ice fish walleye, therefore your C.O. won;t be laying out of season walleye charges anyway. I would guess that he laid lots of charges out there for the little time he was out. He laid numerous ice hut charges I know for sure. The CO here in Port perry just charged a couple of guys for 13 walleye out of season in an area where MNR wants to open for panfish. This is where I have the problem. Fishing during a critical period like late March and April is a no vote for me. Thanks - perhaps they will, at the most, only open it for Jan. and Feb. like Scugog.
  4. Grimace you are so correct. Ron I do agree that some people will poach regardless of what is done BUT if the season stays the same, with the panfish season currently opening on the 4th Saturday in April at least the walleye will get a chance to spawn (as they ususally spawn in early April and not after the 4th Sat.) The current closed winter season protects the walleye as it is now. In my opinion it is harder to conceal yourself poaching fish,( therefore easier to enforce??), if you are the only one fishing during the closed season. Wouldn't it seem that it is easier to poach fish if you have the legal right to be there in the first place. More ice fishermen simply means more poached walleye, bass, musky taken through the ice. The MNR stated that the current prohibited winter fishing was enacted to protect walleye - Now they say walleye populations are in trouble in the Kawarthas but lets open up the ice fishing for panfsih. That does not make sense to me. Walleye spawn alot along the shores of our lakes. There will be no protection here at all if this changes (as there is in the sanctuarys) This proposed new reg will allow someone to stand on a shoreline where walleye spawn, fishing for panfish, when they are really after walleye. If it is legal to be there then no one is going to call the MNR about someone fishing in an open season?? Also there will be abandoned /sunken ice huts to deal with, garbage on our lakes and not enough C.O.s to patrol them.. Lets keep it as is and thats what my survey says.
  5. I agree with Stoty - ice fishing the Kawarthas is a crazy idea. Ice fishing here is the last thing we need. Think of all the problems (garbage on the ice, sunken huts, poachers) I certainly can wait. Let the fish spawn.
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