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About habsforthecup09

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  1. i`ll say Pittsburgh takes the east this year....but never count out my Habs..those Little fellows are going to surprise some people. Detroit still can take the west but San Jose just might do it this year if Joe Thorton and Heatley click like I believe they will. A little joke for the Leaf Fans. Why don`t they drink Tea in Toronto? Cause Montreal has all the Cups! Last Time the Laffs won the cup it was a mug. GO HABS GO
  2. very nice fish GCD,
  3. if you could see my repair bills over the last 9 years , you wouldnt touch a Dodge Dakota. Ive spent probably close to what I paid for my truck in major repairs....... $30000. i would recomend anything but a dodge with 4wd especially for the ramps.Other than blowing my axel in bridgenorth a couple years ago pulling out of a gas station doing 10 km, Never had a problem pulling my boat until last weekend, I had to floor it just to make a hill never had to do that before.more money As for gas mileage, I get about 400 k to the tank,at 70 bucks a fill.(going rate i guess) but its never been good. Don't buy a DAKOTA......You've been warned
  4. found a board called quite fishing, i think i'll launch out of deseronto. that board has some great reports and advice that i was looking for, Nips... thanks for the info, could you send the maps, my email is [email protected] GCD...I love a challenge and from what ive read about the last few days there, the fishings been hot, Hopefully after tommorow,,im a Wallyvirgin no more. Thanks again guys,
  5. Thanks GCD,i'll be sure to post the pics when I get home. we were thinking of Picton area, I'm going early so carras will be closed guess ill just search out a launch, or ask a local. I have researched pikeral, even spent many days jigging, trolling and casting for those elusive buggers, kind of getting the feeling they maybe extinct thought maybe the experts on this board could point a brother in the right direction...seeing as im driving from Mississauga and won't get much time to fish this season. Im not asking for your spot , just need a starting point to where i might pop my cherry ...
  6. Hey Guys/Gals, Finally going to take my chances and hit Quinte. Never been there before but I have herd great things about the area. Could anyone please help me out with some advice/suggestions about where to launch(early morning so public would be prefered). We are targeting Walleyes, and or Pike. Keep in mind I Have never caught a Walleye, so any help would be greatly appreciated. where do I launch? what depth will the pickeral be this time of year? thanks in advance!
  7. LMAO I know I'm new here, But I can`t sit quietly and let my Habs get bashed like this...... we didn`t have the blow out season that was predicted but were there...which is more than I can say for some teams(who haven`t seen the cup in 40 some odd years). Habs in 6 and that 31st in the league Goalie Carey Price is going to surprise some people. Alexi the land shark for MVP GO HABS GO Drive for 25 is alive ! Signed Toronto's Biggest Hab Fan.
  8. awesome thanks for the info guys.
  9. Hi, This is my first post, been reading the advice here for a while and always appreiciate the knowledge that is shared. I have a Question if you all could help me. I am wondering if anyone knows the tow weight of a 1997 17' Nitro Bass Boat package. It has a 90 hp yammy. I would be using a 2009 Equinox v6 or 2000 dakota v6 to pull this boat. In your expert opinion(s) is this enough guts to pull this boat. I have a deal done and it kind of hinges on this factor. thank you in advance for any help you all provide, and I hope to return the favor someday.
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