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  1. Hey Big Cliff, I can drop them off in your local. Please pm me your contact. Anyone else that wants to rep the other areas, I can drop them off to you also. I am still missing many sizes....please see attachment. So far black is the colour of choice. Tyler Ts Size Colour summary.pdf
  2. My bad, stupid me thinking community first.
  3. Hi Everyone, Just a quick update. I contacted Elisa and she is working out the details on the payment. Hopefully i can have an answer tomorrow. Meanwhile, the price of the shirts will be $10. I tallied up everyone's order but missing many shirt sizes. Please have a look and fill in the blank. Maybe someone can police these members just to see if they are still interested. I have not receive any art yet...but simple is the theme. Elisa did mention she may have a sponsor for the shirt....i think it would be nice...more money the better. In terms of disbursement, Rod Caster - maybe you can get in touch with Elisa also, develop some type of centralized system....there has been a few that has offered to help to look after certain areas. This would save the shipping charges. Or if the member wants the item shipped...just add the postage to the price of the shirt. Or even better, pick them up at the event. But someone needs to be in charge of the name list whom has paid and what they are getting. Any thoughts?
  4. For this project, there seems to be several support for the Tyler Event and I have already contacted Elisa....so its for young Tyler. I hope down the road we can do another project for a hatchery program...maybe a hat or jacket or something else. My preference would be not to use the OFC and just use something generic like Angling Community or something.....just a thought.
  5. hi Terry,

    If you want to take charge with the Ireshfield charity....i would be happy to extend the same services to you.

    All the best,


  6. I contacted Elisa about the t-shirts and she is very excited and will help organize the process. We will work out a few details and I will let everyone know how it will play out next day or two. She has a friend that does photography and will provide the artwork to us. Its good to see everyone's support...you don't know me and I don't know you.....makes it even more exciting for me. Talk is cheap so pony up everyone. I just did a quick tally and below are those who has committed, if i made an error or missed someone....pls let me know. The numbers next to your handle is what you requested. Next minor detail is sizing, please let me know your sizing. The shirts are pre-shrunk 100% cotton, no need to up-size...sizes from sm - 5xl. As for colour, you have about 60 colours to choose from....i suggest we go with 1 colour so make your selection and majority wins, lets keep it simple. I need everyone's input and money (to be determined where to be sent) by Monday February 20. This only gives me a few days to place the order, screen it, and get it to a destined local by 23 or 24 very latest. If you have any questions or comments please let me know. Name Units N.A.W 1 spinnerbaitking 1 jds63 1 Nipfisher 1 mercman 1 tb4me 1 johnnyb 1 Rod Caster 1 Locnar 1 ccmt 1 bigugli 1 Mike P. 1 Live2fish85 2 Skipper "D" 1 Big Cliff 3 radar 1 Terry F 1 Total 20
  7. I contacted Roy yesterday and this morning i received the admins blessing so we can proceed with this project. First, we need to determine which charity the money should go to? I am fine with a hatchery or Tyler's event. Someone previously posted that the money going to a hatchery will not really make a significant difference and would provide a better impact if it was going to Tyler's event. I agree with this and my vote is for Tyler's event.....hope everyone is OK with this. Second, can someone do the administration of collecting the money and logistics of disbursing the shirts....i am terrible at this. I think this person should be an admin or someone whom has belong on this board for a long time and well known in the forum. There are a few that has volunteered, any comments or thoughts or suggestions as whom should take on this part? Third, timing....if we agreed its going to the Tyler's Event....we need to move fast in getting the money and shirt sizes. I need to order, print, and disburse these items and require a few days to complete this. Fourth, art....what would you like to see printed on the shirts? If i can get some suggestions i can do up some layouts/options and narrow down the choices. I presume we want to keep this simple on a basic white short sleeved shirts. I suggest we use Hanes or Gildan 100% cotton, both are decent quality and good value. I will disclose my net cost and recoup this cost only, I will provide my invoice to the person in charge of money. OFC can have the charity receipt for tax purposes....i don't really know how this works. I too would like to get this going and with some help and support, lets do what we can. Any feedback, comments or suggestions are welcomed but timing is of essence.
  8. Reminds me of a TV commercial "hands in your pocket". Instead of fighting them, buy their stocks and hedge expenses....Banks have done well in Canada.
  9. I am good with a hatchery program....you guys decide which one. I sent a message to the admins yesterday and have not heard back yet, i'll send another. Those that volunteered to help out...thanks for your help. Lets wait and see what the admins says before we move forward.
  10. Some good ideas on keeping it basic and simple. Good points on the prepaid orders, otherwise i would have to peddle these from boat to boat. I have attached an image just for viewing, still awaiting word from admin if we can do this or not. We can use this or a bass or any logo...its wide open. In terms of collecting money i fully support someone that has been a member here for a long time to take over this part. One thing to note is the shipping/delivery of the shirts...to save money maybe hookup at Tims or at a few central local to disperse the shirts. As charity goes, I suggest we select only one unless there is a sizeable amount that can be divided up. OFC can have the donation receipt...not sure how the tax thing works. Good to see the support.
  11. If anyone have any experience with these type of things please step up, I am terrible at admin stuff. I think this is a great site and from reading the comments/discussions in this forum on various topics, there are alot of good ppl here that cares not just for fishing but the community also. I hope this does not fizzles away, I have contacted the admins and hope we can make this happen. thanks
  12. Hi OFC Gang, I have read many posts and visited this superb site often but never really participated in any discussions. Hows this for diving in....just wondering if there would be any interest in printing up some t-shirts and sold to those that would be obliged to buy them on this forum and 100% of the proceeds after net costs will go to some type of charity. I would print them for free, someone can come up with the design/artwork, and another can do the administration of collecting the monies. I have some down time and wanted to give something back to the community. There was a post on the homeless and I did some work for The Good Shepperd and this kinda put the thought in my head, of course it can be any charity. I know there are alot of ppl out there hurting and just wanted to see if there were any interest in pooling some ideas and do what we can. What i had in mind is if the net cost of the t-shirt is $3, we can silk screen a OFC (with proper permission) or other designs and sell it for $10, the $7 can go to 1 or more charity of choice. This is just a thought, any comments or feedback welcomed. Shoemaker
  13. Whats done is done. I believe market forces will always prevail. My question is does this bailout potentially turn off many buyers because it is viewed as being unfair to the taxpayers and to other struggling/failed industries? I'll buy a Ford or an import before considering a GM or Chrysler. In the long run, consumers will determine if GM/Chryler dies or survives and not the government.
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