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Everything posted by Chumbucket

  1. Has anyone had any experience ice fishing with circle hooks?
  2. www.coonhoundrescue.com Great dogs. Its a shame how some people treat them.
  3. I am a hopeless romantic.
  4. Maybe 15-20 minutes. It was my first one. At first I thought he was fouled hooked, but the guide said they always fight sideways. We saw a ton of permit that day. It was fairly windy for my casting abilities, but the guide was pretty good at putting me in the right spot. I put back 137 Belikin beers in 5 days. That's why I have a goofy look on my face, especially on day 2 with the Jack. I actually got the whole tarpon fight on the flip video camera. When I let him go, he slipped and swam about 20 yards from the boat. I dove in to go revive him. The guide was yelling "look at the white manatee" on my video while I was climbing back into his boat.
  5. It was in Belize. I had a bigger bonefish, but lost him while trying to show the guide how to work the video camera. It was my second time at the lodge (El Pescador) and it is truly a great time. Had a big permit break the hook and missed a few bigger Tarpon as well. The next day, I got this nice Crevalle Jack. All on the fly. I can't say enough about how nice the people are and the location.
  6. Recent Trip - not the biggest fish, but fun.
  7. Here's a 16 oz lure.
  8. I tried today. No luck at all.
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