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About NoBoats_Onlyfloats

  • Birthday 06/04/1981

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  1. Well myself I only fish for steelhead(and only from land as the name implies). Everyone has their fav fish to catch, and yeah wouldn't mind one bit if there were no fish in the rivers(would cut down on constant replenishment of terminal tackle for sure)(and my work attendance owuld definately improve lol). We do need to change openers... I fish from Nov to April before open south of CNR, and I for one think that Reg needs to be changed. Even though thats the majority of my fishing time I wouldnt loose sleep if they closed it completely till forth Sat april opener. Make special Regs then like on some of the Grand Tribs? Non organics only? Size limits? Lower cull limits? Barbless?... For all tribs province wide!!! Would help the boat fishers... As for the 3ft Gin clear? If those fish don't want to bite they won't and yeah it's a great hunt, stealth is the name!
  2. ...any way you look at it, a freaky spring like this will benefit everyones fishing enjoyment for the next couple years too come...
  3. Maybe...but I don't agree... today April 27 I took the day off work and headed out to one of my favorite tribs in the east...Anything but empty...I went 5 for about 20 and fresh to boot(all released including the 3 full, yes full, hens). Went for a bit of a stroll and fish throughout...All said three pools within a one minute walk had to have well, and I mean well over 200 Steelhead in them. Opener on the same trib went 5 for 5 fresh steel and 2 full hens(kept only one to eat,small male)...Really no need to change the open dates as they are still there...And probably will be for some time
  4. Doesnt really matter if the tribs are named. Anyone with a 10th of a brain can find them...even less really. Should everyone be so secretive? Does this mean I need to blind fold freinds who've never been steelheading before on the way to the river. Reading all the posts about people askin if rivers are fishable/blown etc people lying and crap. If you need to be that secretive to catch these beauties then your doing something wrong. Just ask for tips .
  5. Pretty sure they were the same two that nailed 4 at duffins! No license and right up against the dam Sunday 11th at around 445
  6. Tribs were great on Friday aft....4 for 15ish got to the river at 530 pm had first by 6 then steady action till sundown...Fresh roe was the meal of choice yesterday! ps for some reason I cannot upload their pictures...
  7. Out at my second favorite tributary ths Monday Morning. Only saw about 5 guys and a gal out there. I guess not everyone got the extended long weekend. The fish were there although not seen and not in the big pools. All four fish hit so soft there was next to no indicaiton with the float. Got two of the smaller chrome in. The larger ones broke off after gettiing close to the fallen brush. This morning's hen. For a smaller steelie she was bloated full(shot off after release upeam. Hopefully past two folks who didnt know about fishing regs. But reluctantly left the pool north of the Bridge) Just for you who don't know 1877 TIPS MNR for reporting. Called yesterday on eight...yes...eight north of the CNR on Duffins
  8. Hey Steel, Dont let anyone do your fishing for you....Monday April 13th in th morning, got two....Lost two larger steelies. There are lots of fish south of CNR just because the large pools aren't producing... PS sorry about the little bit of muck....But they are there!!!
  9. Started the morning out drifting some 2 week old fresh Bow Row. I'm not the one to get out rediculously early until all sections of my favorite streams and rivers are open. Too much pressure and other use traffic spooking any if any fish in the rivers. Decided to take off for a little stroll along the stream through an area I have never been too. After finding on google earth. There northern closed area of this river had to hold close to what I can only guess was around 4 to 5 hundred fish. A sorted sizes and colors easily visible from the banks and not easily spooked. Took pictures of some of the fish. After returning home and actually looking at the pictures on something other then the blackberry they turned out kinda crappy. Will post the best though. Will be posting and updating the thread with the Youtube link to view the higher quality videos showing at one point about 10 hens in one stretch creating some nests. If that doesn't make you want to hit the river again then what does? Also I know this may be redundant to most of you but for those who don't please be mindfull of your steps when in the northern reaches of most rivers as you could be destroying large nests that will ultimately produce those large numbers of fish we all desire....Peace out
  10. Time to move to southern ontario....been slayin (not literally) steelies of all sizes since about Mid march....
  11. Hooked into one on steely gear this past Thursday in the evening. They are there just not as plentifull quite yet. Wilmot though
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